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Pages in category "Map"
The following 138 pages are in this category, out of 138 total.
- Case:A mountain community wants a community conserved area and not a military landgrab: the case of Sinjajevina
- Webinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers' University: Pursuit of Alivelihoods and the 52 Parindey Fellowship
- Webinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers' University: The Pedagogy of Travel
- Process:Abahlali baseMjondolo
- Endorser:Academy of Democratic Modernity
- Endorser:Africa Earth Jurisprudence Collective
- Endorser:African Biodiversity Network
- Webinar:African ecofeminist alternatives to development for a just and resilient post-extractivist future
- Endorser:Africans Rising
- Endorser:Afrika Youth Movement
- Endorser:Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
- Endorser:AltDev, Program on Alternative Development of UP CIDS
- Endorser:Alternatives to Capitalism - SASE
- Process:Amadiba Crisis Committee
- Process:Asociación de Consejos Comunitarios de Suárez (ASOCOMS)
- Webinar:Capitalism, Its Crises and Its Alternatives: Understanding Real Utopias
- Case:Cargonomia, Budapest: Resilience Through Cooperation and Creativity During COVID-19
- Endorser:Civil Diplomacy Center - North and East Syria
- Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh
- Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: Antecedents to climate change fiction
- Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: Marine ecosystems and climate fiction from South Asia
- Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: The Future of Climate fiction from South Asia
- Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: The South Asia Experience
- Endorser:Coalition Against Land Grabbing
- Endorser:Community Economies Institute
- Case:Community Forest Rights
- Webinar:Competing narratives for the future of agriculture in Africa
- Webinar:Confronting COVID 19 with dignity and strength: Resilience of small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica
- Case:Cooperation Jackson, community solidarity and mutual aid
- Webinar:Cosmopolitical learning: some reflections on praxis
- Webinar:Covid 19 - 10,000 Years of Winter Fisheries Endangered: Responses From the Polar North and Why Do They Matter in Global South
- Webinar:Covid 19 - A critical dialogue on Degrowth movements
- Webinar:Covid 19 - A dialogue on economy of Well-being
- Webinar:Covid 19 - Potato Park: Defending the past to envision the future
- Webinar:Covid 19 - Visioning the Future: May First Movement Technology
- Webinar:Covid 19 - Women Farmers Adapt and Innovate!: Alternative models developed by women farmers in India
- Webinar:Covid 19- moving towards a Commons future
- Webinar:Covid-19 – a potential opening for Just Transitions?
- Webinar:Covid-19: a response from Nayakrishi Andolan
- Webinar:COVID-19: Cities of Dignity – Urban transformation around the world
- Endorser:Faircoop
- Webinar:Feminist Alternatives to the "New Normality"
- Endorser:Fifth Empire
- Endorser:Focus on the Global South
- Case:Food Sovereignty in El Parque de la Papa - Potato Park, Peru
- Endorser:Forest Peoples Programme
- Endorser:Foundations Earth
- Case:From full-scale invasion to full-scale resistance: regional feminist responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
- Endorser:Gaia Foundation
- Endorser:Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
- Endorser:Global Diversity Foundation
- Endorser:Global Ecovillage Network
- Endorser:Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative
- Endorser:Global Forest Coalition
- Endorser:Global University for Sustainability
- Endorser:Global Working Group Beyond Development
- Endorser:Global Youth Biodiversity Network
- Endorser:Grassroots to Global
- Endorser:Great Transition Initiative
- Endorser:Greenpeace International
- Endorser:ICCA Consortium
- Webinar:Indigenous Communities in Resistance responding to the current crisis
- Endorser:Indigenous Environmental Network
- Case:Indigenous rights and ecological care at Snowchange Cooperative
- Case:Indigenous Self-determination and Coping with COVID-19 in Bolivia
- Endorser:International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples
- Endorser:International Tribunal on Rights of Nature
- Endorser:It Takes Roots
- Endorser:Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur
- Webinar:Palestine's Beautiful Resistance: What it tells the world about building peace within
- Endorser:People's Health Movement
- Webinar:People's strikes, Floyd rebellion and Resistance
- Endorser:Post-Growth Institute
- Case:Protecting Benin’s Sacred Forests
- Endorser:Reap Goodness
- Endorser:Red Universidad y Compromiso Social
- Endorser:REEVO
- Endorser:Research and Degrowth
- Case:Responses from the Kurdish Women’s Movement
- Case:Revitalizing Landscapes of Resilience and Self- Determination in the Salween Peace Park
- Case:Reviving our Ritual Ceremonies to build Solidarity and Resilience in Response to COVID-19
- Endorser:Rising Earth News
- Process:Salween Peace Park
- Webinar:Salween Peace Park, Myanmar: Strengthening Karen People's Resistance, Resilience and Response to Conflict and Covid-19 Crises
- Endorser:Sangat
- Case:Save San Roque and Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap
- Webinar:Self-determination & coping with COVID19 in indigenous Lomerio, Bolivia
- Case:Social Economy and the Commons in Portugal
- Endorser:Socialist Workers and Youth League
- Endorser:Society for Learning and Alternative Transformation
- Endorser:Soil Not Oil Coalition
- Endorser:Solidarity Research Center
- Case:Sows of Life, Harvests of Water
- Webinar:Strategies Beyond Borders: Tales of Time Banks
- Endorser:Symbiosis
- Endorser:Systems Change Alliance
- Endorser:The Alternatives Project
- Endorser:The Convivialists
- Webinar:The Covid Crisis in Chile and Community Alternatives from Below
- Endorser:The Emergence Network
- Endorser:The Leap
- Webinar:The River is Us: A Conversation with Alyen Foning
- Case:To Heal Ourselves we must Free Mother Earth
- Case:Towards Dignifying our People of the Sea: Relaunching Small-Scale Fisheries in Costa Rica during COVID-19
- Endorser:Transition Network
- Endorser:Transnational Institute