Welcome to the AltMap, the meta-mapping and open documentation platform of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives, that makes visible and interconnects networks of Alternatives around the globe to promote the creation of new processes of confluence.
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{"format":"leaflet","minzoom":false,"maxzoom":false,"limit":2000,"offset":0,"link":"all","sort":[""],"order":[],"headers":"show","mainlabel":"","intro":"","outro":"","searchlabel":"... further results","default":"","import-annotation":false,"width":"auto","height":"600px","centre":false,"title":"","label":"","icon":"","lines":[],"polygons":[],"circles":[],"rectangles":[],"copycoords":true,"static":false,"zoom":2,"defzoom":14,"layers":["Thunderforest.MobileAtlas"],"overlays":[],"resizable":false,"fullscreen":true,"scrollwheelzoom":true,"cluster":false,"clustermaxzoom":20,"clusterzoomonclick":true,"clustermaxradius":30,"clusterspiderfy":true,"geojson":"","clicktarget":"","showtitle":true,"hidenamespace":false,"template":"","userparam":"","activeicon":"","pagelabel":false,"ajaxcoordproperty":"","ajaxquery":"","locations":[{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:A_mountain_community_wants_a_community_conserved_area_and_not_a_military_landgrab:_the_case_of_Sinjajevina\" title=\"Case:A mountain community wants a community conserved area and not a military landgrab: the case of Sinjajevina\"\u003ECase:A mountain community wants a community conserved area and not a military landgrab: the case of Sinjajevina\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESinjajevina (Montenegro) (is) one of the l\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Sinjajevina (Montenegro) (is) one of the largest communal pastureland in the Balkans and in Europe. Sinjajevina has recently been \u2018declared\u2019 a NATO military training and bombing ground\u2026 regardless of the lack of consent and actual strong contrary opinion of its custodian communities. But the custodian communities want to continue to use their pasturelands and live in Sinjajevina during the summer months. They have thus created Save Sinjajevina\u2014 a \u2018movement organization\u2019 to halt the military plans and insist on developing a positive alternative for their territory.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESinjajevina (Montenegro) (is) one of the largest communal pastureland in the Balkans and in Europe. Sinjajevina has recently been \u2018declared\u2019 a NATO military training and bombing ground\u2026 regardless of the lack of consent and actual strong contrary opinion of its custodian communities. But the custodian communities want to continue to use their pasturelands and live in Sinjajevina during the summer months. They have thus created Save Sinjajevina\u2014 a \u2018movement organization\u2019 to halt the military plans and insist on developing a positive alternative for their territory.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E positive alternative for their territory.","title":"Case:A mountain community wants a community conserved area and not a military landgrab: the case of Sinjajevina","link":"","lat":42.95944,"lon":19.33361,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:A_two-part_Webinar_Series_with_Travellers%27_University:_Pursuit_of_Alivelihoods_and_the_52_Parindey_Fellowship\" title=\"Webinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers\u0026#039; University: Pursuit of Alivelihoods and the 52 Parindey Fellowship\"\u003EWebinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers' University: Pursuit of Alivelihoods and the 52 Parindey Fellowship\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn the latter session, we plan to host fel\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In the latter session, we plan to host fellows from the \u201852 Parindey Fellowship\u2019, TU\u2019s 8-month long immersive program for exploring research interests through \u2018Parindeys\u2019; 52 represents the number of weeks in a year and Parindey translates to birds in English, which loosely captures the essence of mentors we intend to learn from who are practising Alivelihoods.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn the latter session, we plan to host fellows from the \u201852 Parindey Fellowship\u2019, TU\u2019s 8-month long immersive program for exploring research interests through \u2018Parindeys\u2019; 52 represents the number of weeks in a year and Parindey translates to birds in English, which loosely captures the essence of mentors we intend to learn from who are practising Alivelihoods.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eearn from who are practising Alivelihoods.","title":"Webinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers' University: Pursuit of Alivelihoods and the 52 Parindey Fellowship","link":"","lat":10.16315,"lon":76.64127,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:A_two-part_Webinar_Series_with_Travellers%27_University:_The_Pedagogy_of_Travel\" title=\"Webinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers\u0026#039; University: The Pedagogy of Travel\"\u003EWebinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers' University: The Pedagogy of Travel\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn the former session of the two-part webi\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In the former session of the two-part webinar series, we facilitate a conversation between four co-creators of TU introducing their work, along with sharing their own experiences that led them to thinking of alternatives to mainstream educational practices. They also talk about \u2018Alivelihoods\u2019, livelihoods of intentional living \u0026amp; lifelong learning for a sustainable, equitable \u0026amp; just world.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn the former session of the two-part webinar series, we facilitate a conversation between four co-creators of TU introducing their work, along with sharing their own experiences that led them to thinking of alternatives to mainstream educational practices. They also talk about \u2018Alivelihoods\u2019, livelihoods of intentional living \u0026 lifelong learning for a sustainable, equitable \u0026 just world.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eing for a sustainable, equitable \u0026amp; just world.","title":"Webinar:A two-part Webinar Series with Travellers' University: The Pedagogy of Travel","link":"","lat":10.16315,"lon":76.64127,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Academy_of_Democratic_Modernity\" title=\"Endorser:Academy of Democratic Modernity\"\u003EEndorser:Academy of Democratic Modernity\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EBuilding the social alternative to capitalist modernity through education and connection with global democratic forces.","title":"Endorser:Academy of Democratic Modernity","link":"","lat":36.38381,"lon":38.86759,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Africa_Earth_Jurisprudence_Collective\" title=\"Endorser:Africa Earth Jurisprudence Collective\"\u003EEndorser:Africa Earth Jurisprudence Collective\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe African Earth Jurisprudence Collective\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The African Earth Jurisprudence Collective is catalysing the revival of indigenous knowledge and practices and customary laws across the continent \u2013 the original, pre-colonial laws derived from ancestral lands, that have governed human communities over millennia to live in mutually-enhancing relationship with the wider Earth community.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe African Earth Jurisprudence Collective is catalysing the revival of indigenous knowledge and practices and customary laws across the continent \u2013 the original, pre-colonial laws derived from ancestral lands, that have governed human communities over millennia to live in mutually-enhancing relationship with the wider Earth community.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Elationship with the wider Earth community.","title":"Endorser:Africa Earth Jurisprudence Collective","link":"","lat":-26.19423,"lon":28.03214,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:African_Biodiversity_Network\" title=\"Endorser:African Biodiversity Network\"\u003EEndorser:African Biodiversity Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EABN accompanies Africans in voicing their \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"ABN accompanies Africans in voicing their views on issues such as food and seed sovereignty, genetic engineering, agrofuels, biodiversity protection, extractive industries and the rights of small-holder farmers.We focus on indigenous knowledge, ecological agriculture and biodiversity related rights, policy and legislation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EABN accompanies Africans in voicing their views on issues such as food and seed sovereignty, genetic engineering, agrofuels, biodiversity protection, extractive industries and the rights of small-holder farmers.We focus on indigenous knowledge, ecological agriculture and biodiversity related rights, policy and legislation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ety related rights, policy and legislation.","title":"Endorser:African Biodiversity Network","link":"","lat":-1.04029,"lon":37.06887,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:African_ecofeminist_alternatives_to_development_for_a_just_and_resilient_post-extractivist_future\" title=\"Webinar:African ecofeminist alternatives to development for a just and resilient post-extractivist future\"\u003EWebinar:African ecofeminist alternatives to development for a just and resilient post-extractivist future\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this session, Zo Randriamaro from WoMin\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this session, Zo Randriamaro from WoMin first explains why African ecofeminist alternatives to development are critical to a just, decolonised and resilient post-extractivist future in Africa, and how they are building on African worldviews and political ideas such as Ubuntu and Pan-Africanism. Secondly, Nonhle Mbuthuma from the Amadiba Crisis Committee and Ange David from GRAIN share their experiences with communities in bringing to life such alternatives in real-world application.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this session, Zo Randriamaro from WoMin first explains why African ecofeminist alternatives to development are critical to a just, decolonised and resilient post-extractivist future in Africa, and how they are building on African worldviews and political ideas such as Ubuntu and Pan-Africanism. Secondly, Nonhle Mbuthuma from the Amadiba Crisis Committee and Ange David from GRAIN share their experiences with communities in bringing to life such alternatives in real-world application.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ech alternatives in real-world application.","title":"Webinar:African ecofeminist alternatives to development for a just and resilient post-extractivist future","link":"","lat":-8.78319,"lon":34.50852,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Africans_Rising\" title=\"Endorser:Africans Rising\"\u003EEndorser:Africans Rising\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EAfrica Rising was an attempt to create an \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Africa Rising was an attempt to create an alternative to dependency on Western donors. The organization networked 14 African community-based organizations together over an eight year period. The About pages describe the philosophy, history, the people, and why the experiment came to an end.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EAfrica Rising was an attempt to create an alternative to dependency on Western donors. The organization networked 14 African community-based organizations together over an eight year period. The About pages describe the philosophy, history, the people, and why the experiment came to an end.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ee, and why the experiment came to an end.","title":"Endorser:Africans Rising","link":"","lat":-0.02356,"lon":37.90619,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Afrika_Youth_Movement\" title=\"Endorser:Afrika Youth Movement\"\u003EEndorser:Afrika Youth Movement\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EA pan-African, action-oriented, youth-led movement that strives for the participation, development and leadership of African youth to transform Africa and achieve their rights to peace, equality and social justice.","title":"Endorser:Afrika Youth Movement","link":"","lat":-1.29207,"lon":36.82195,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Alliance_for_Food_Sovereignty_in_Africa\" title=\"Endorser:Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa\"\u003EEndorser:Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is a broad alliance of different civil society actors that are part of the struggle for food sovereignty and agroecology in Africa.","title":"Endorser:Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa","link":"","lat":0.2546,"lon":32.62005,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:AltDev,_Program_on_Alternative_Development_of_UP_CIDS\" title=\"Endorser:AltDev, Program on Alternative Development of UP CIDS\"\u003EEndorser:AltDev, Program on Alternative Development of UP CIDS\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe University of the Philippines (UP CIDS\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The University of the Philippines (UP CIDS) Program on Alternative Development (AltDev) aims to look at paradigms, policies, practices, and projects that are largely marginalized and excluded from the mainstream. \u0026#10;\u0026#10;AltDev works with its grassroots and community partners to bring alternatives from the ground out of the margins and into the mainstream and level the playing field so that they may be regarded on an equal footing with dominant discourses and thus offer alternatives to the existing system.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe University of the Philippines (UP CIDS) Program on Alternative Development (AltDev) aims to look at paradigms, policies, practices, and projects that are largely marginalized and excluded from the mainstream. \n\nAltDev works with its grassroots and community partners to bring alternatives from the ground out of the margins and into the mainstream and level the playing field so that they may be regarded on an equal footing with dominant discourses and thus offer alternatives to the existing system.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eoffer alternatives to the existing system.","title":"Endorser:AltDev, Program on Alternative Development of UP CIDS","link":"","lat":14.65388,"lon":121.0685,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Alternatives_to_Capitalism_-_SASE\" title=\"Endorser:Alternatives to Capitalism - SASE\"\u003EEndorser:Alternatives to Capitalism - SASE\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing global e\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing global economic recession of unprecedented depth is a once in a generation opportunity to challenge capitalism and transition to a more equitable, democratic, solidaristic and sustainable socio-economic system. Indeed, the present situation has revitalized public and academic debates about the future of capitalism and has demonstrated the urgent need to envision and enact alternatives that can help rebalance the economy and tackle the multiple intertwined crises that societies are currently facing: high and rising inequality of income and power, eroding democracy and citizen\u2019s rights, human-induced climate change and environmental destruction.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;The broad aim of this research network is to advance the international, comparative and interdisciplinary study of capitalism and its alternatives, and thereby contribute to debates on the future of capitalism, the commons, prefigurative politics, social movements and collective action, real utopias, radical politics, and heterodox economic thinking.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;The main area of enquiry is to explore how long-standing and emerging social actors are challenging and supplanting conventional capitalistic modes of production, consumption, and reproduction by engaging in collective action of various sorts. We are especially interested in research that helps us to understand: Who are the emancipatory subjects that are embodying alternatives to capitalism? What are the emancipatory strategies enacted by these subjects and to what extent are they viable, achievable, and scalable? And in what ways does the State and the market co-opt, repress, or facilitate alternatives in the socio-economic, political, and geographic contexts in which they are embedded?\u0026#10;\u0026#10;Our past annual gatherings in Berkeley (2016), Lyon (2017), Kyoto (2018), New York (2019), and more recently online (2020, 2021) have given rise to a new book series titled \u2018Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century\u2019 and published by Bristol University Press.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;The network encourages interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars form a variety of disciplines (e.g., sociology, social theory, social movement studies, political economy, anthropology, industrial relations, cultural studies) that are conducting theoretical and empirical research on a range of topics such as: \u0026#10;\u0026#10;- Contemporary capitalism, its crises and alternatives\u0026#10; - Social change, transitions to post-capitalist societies and low-carbon economies\u0026#10;- Resilience and resistance to capitalist expropriation and exploitation\u0026#10;- Radical/deep ecology, eco-feminism, eco-socialism and degrowth\u0026#10;- Political and ethical consumerism\u0026#10;- Ecovillages, communes and intentional communities, radical lifestyles\u0026#10;- Decolonial and feminist economic and social practices\u0026#10;- Worker/producer/consumer cooperatives, economic democracy, and labour struggles\u0026#10;- Direct democracy, radical municipalism and the commons\u0026#10;- Democratic socialism and socialism in the 21st century\u0026#10;- Alternatives to shareholder capitalism\u0026#10;- Alternative metrics and values in capitalist societies (e.g., ESG impact, new taxonomies and benchmarks)\u0026#10;- Critiques of \u201cgreen capitalism\u201d and \u201cconscious capitalism\u201d\u0026#10;- Alternative and complementary currencies\u0026#10;- Alternatives in/to creative industries\u0026#10;- Transformative social innovation, social and solidarity economy\u0026#10;- Alternative and place-based food and energy networks\u0026#10;- Anti-capitalist trade unions, political parties, and social movements\u0026#10;- Critical pedagogy for a just ecological transition\u0026#10;- Innovative methods and epistemologies for interpreting alternatives to capitalism\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing global economic recession of unprecedented depth is a once in a generation opportunity to challenge capitalism and transition to a more equitable, democratic, solidaristic and sustainable socio-economic system. Indeed, the present situation has revitalized public and academic debates about the future of capitalism and has demonstrated the urgent need to envision and enact alternatives that can help rebalance the economy and tackle the multiple intertwined crises that societies are currently facing: high and rising inequality of income and power, eroding democracy and citizen\u2019s rights, human-induced climate change and environmental destruction.\n\nThe broad aim of this research network is to advance the international, comparative and interdisciplinary study of capitalism and its alternatives, and thereby contribute to debates on the future of capitalism, the commons, prefigurative politics, social movements and collective action, real utopias, radical politics, and heterodox economic thinking.\n\nThe main area of enquiry is to explore how long-standing and emerging social actors are challenging and supplanting conventional capitalistic modes of production, consumption, and reproduction by engaging in collective action of various sorts. We are especially interested in research that helps us to understand: Who are the emancipatory subjects that are embodying alternatives to capitalism? What are the emancipatory strategies enacted by these subjects and to what extent are they viable, achievable, and scalable? And in what ways does the State and the market co-opt, repress, or facilitate alternatives in the socio-economic, political, and geographic contexts in which they are embedded?\n\nOur past annual gatherings in Berkeley (2016), Lyon (2017), Kyoto (2018), New York (2019), and more recently online (2020, 2021) have given rise to a new book series titled \u2018Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century\u2019 and published by Bristol University Press.\n\nThe network encourages interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars form a variety of disciplines (e.g., sociology, social theory, social movement studies, political economy, anthropology, industrial relations, cultural studies) that are conducting theoretical and empirical research on a range of topics such as: \n\n- Contemporary capitalism, its crises and alternatives\n - Social change, transitions to post-capitalist societies and low-carbon economies\n- Resilience and resistance to capitalist expropriation and exploitation\n- Radical/deep ecology, eco-feminism, eco-socialism and degrowth\n- Political and ethical consumerism\n- Ecovillages, communes and intentional communities, radical lifestyles\n- Decolonial and feminist economic and social practices\n- Worker/producer/consumer cooperatives, economic democracy, and labour struggles\n- Direct democracy, radical municipalism and the commons\n- Democratic socialism and socialism in the 21st century\n- Alternatives to shareholder capitalism\n- Alternative metrics and values in capitalist societies (e.g., ESG impact, new taxonomies and benchmarks)\n- Critiques of \u201cgreen capitalism\u201d and \u201cconscious capitalism\u201d\n- Alternative and complementary currencies\n- Alternatives in/to creative industries\n- Transformative social innovation, social and solidarity economy\n- Alternative and place-based food and energy networks\n- Anti-capitalist trade unions, political parties, and social movements\n- Critical pedagogy for a just ecological transition\n- Innovative methods and epistemologies for interpreting alternatives to capitalism\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eor interpreting alternatives to capitalism","title":"Endorser:Alternatives to Capitalism - SASE","link":"","lat":50.92671,"lon":6.95439,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Australian_Earth_Laws_Alliance\" title=\"Endorser:Australian Earth Laws Alliance\"\u003EEndorser:Australian Earth Laws Alliance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EAELA is a not-for-profit organisation work\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"AELA is a not-for-profit organisation working to increase the understanding and practical implementation of Earth-centred (ecocentric) governance, with a focus on systems change across law, economics, education, ethics and community participation in Australia.\u0026#10;Our vision is an Australian society that embraces an ecocentric or \u2018life-centred\u2019 culture, with governance systems that enable human communities to thrive within ecological boundaries, while nurturing biodiversity and ecosystem health.\u0026#10;Our programs provide a range of services and support for people, communities and organisations working to create ecocentric systems change.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EAELA is a not-for-profit organisation working to increase the understanding and practical implementation of Earth-centred (ecocentric) governance, with a focus on systems change across law, economics, education, ethics and community participation in Australia.\nOur vision is an Australian society that embraces an ecocentric or \u2018life-centred\u2019 culture, with governance systems that enable human communities to thrive within ecological boundaries, while nurturing biodiversity and ecosystem health.\nOur programs provide a range of services and support for people, communities and organisations working to create ecocentric systems change.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Erking to create ecocentric systems change.","title":"Endorser:Australian Earth Laws Alliance","link":"","lat":-27.18494,"lon":152.94636,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Beautiful_resistance\" title=\"Case:Beautiful resistance\"\u003ECase:Beautiful resistance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EAlrowwad Arts and Cultural Society is a Pa\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Alrowwad Arts and Cultural Society is a Palestinian organization that was founded in 1998 by Dr. Abdelfattah Abusrour in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem Governorate. The organization was founded on the philosophy of \u201cBeautiful Resistance,\u201d which uses culture, art, and education to resist injustice, oppression, and occupation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EAlrowwad Arts and Cultural Society is a Palestinian organization that was founded in 1998 by Dr. Abdelfattah Abusrour in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem Governorate. The organization was founded on the philosophy of \u201cBeautiful Resistance,\u201d which uses culture, art, and education to resist injustice, oppression, and occupation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eist injustice, oppression, and occupation.","title":"Case:Beautiful resistance","link":"","lat":31.71992,"lon":35.19905,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Capitalism,_Its_Crises_and_Its_Alternatives:_Understanding_Real_Utopias\" title=\"Webinar:Capitalism, Its Crises and Its Alternatives: Understanding Real Utopias\"\u003EWebinar:Capitalism, Its Crises and Its Alternatives: Understanding Real Utopias\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ETo confront the multiple crises characteri\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"To confront the multiple crises characterising contemporary capitalism, we need a historical understanding of its functioning and its elements of instability. The debate on capitalism came back to the fore due to the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Today, more than ten years later, capitalism is still the dominant system and we often hear terms like Capitalocene, platform capitalism, surveillance capitalism, accelerations, post-capitalism. In the context of its resilience, how do we work for systemic and progressive change? One example is that of prefigurative social movements. Intentional communities like Auroville in southern India can show how change can happen through interstitial mechanisms of karst-like erosion of capitalism from within.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ETo confront the multiple crises characterising contemporary capitalism, we need a historical understanding of its functioning and its elements of instability. The debate on capitalism came back to the fore due to the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Today, more than ten years later, capitalism is still the dominant system and we often hear terms like Capitalocene, platform capitalism, surveillance capitalism, accelerations, post-capitalism. In the context of its resilience, how do we work for systemic and progressive change? One example is that of prefigurative social movements. Intentional communities like Auroville in southern India can show how change can happen through interstitial mechanisms of karst-like erosion of capitalism from within.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Est-like erosion of capitalism from within.","title":"Webinar:Capitalism, Its Crises and Its Alternatives: Understanding Real Utopias","link":"","lat":12.00525,"lon":79.80689,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Cargonomia,_Budapest:_Resilience_Through_Cooperation_and_Creativity_During_COVID-19\" title=\"Case:Cargonomia, Budapest: Resilience Through Cooperation and Creativity During COVID-19\"\u003ECase:Cargonomia, Budapest: Resilience Through Cooperation and Creativity During COVID-19\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ECargonomia is a community-based, experimen\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Cargonomia is a community-based, experimental degrowth cooperative that offers\u0026#10;home delivery \u2013 via cargo bicycle \u2013 of organic and locally- produced vegetable boxes\u0026#10;to customers in and around Budapest, Hungary. From the start of the COVID-19\u0026#10;pandemic this past spring, Budapest residents initially panicked about access to food\u0026#10;and the need for resilient local food systems became increasingly apparent. These\u0026#10;residents immediately turned to Cargonomia to respond to this need; in the first\u0026#10;few weeks of the pandemic, Cargonomia experienced a sudden increase in demand\u0026#10;for its weekly vegetable boxes, with orders more than doubling in some weeks\u0026#10;compared to pre-pandemic times.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ECargonomia is a community-based, experimental degrowth cooperative that offers\nhome delivery \u2013 via cargo bicycle \u2013 of organic and locally- produced vegetable boxes\nto customers in and around Budapest, Hungary. From the start of the COVID-19\npandemic this past spring, Budapest residents initially panicked about access to food\nand the need for resilient local food systems became increasingly apparent. These\nresidents immediately turned to Cargonomia to respond to this need; in the first\nfew weeks of the pandemic, Cargonomia experienced a sudden increase in demand\nfor its weekly vegetable boxes, with orders more than doubling in some weeks\ncompared to pre-pandemic times.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Esome weeks\ncompared to pre-pandemic times.","title":"Case:Cargonomia, Budapest: Resilience Through Cooperation and Creativity During COVID-19","link":"","lat":47.47463,"lon":19.04094,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Civil_Diplomacy_Center_-_North_and_East_Syria\" title=\"Endorser:Civil Diplomacy Center - North and East Syria\"\u003EEndorser:Civil Diplomacy Center - North and East Syria\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Civil Diplomacy Center aims to promote solidarity and cooperation between the region of North and East Syria and the rest of the world, in all fields, on the basis of democratic values.","title":"Endorser:Civil Diplomacy Center - North and East Syria","link":"","lat":37.05494,"lon":41.22825,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Climate_Change_Fiction:_A_Conversation_with_Amitav_Ghosh\" title=\"Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh\"\u003EWebinar:Climate Change Fiction: A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this session, Ashish Kothari of Kalpavr\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this session, Ashish Kothari of Kalpavriksh and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives will be conversing with Amitav Ghosh, celebrated author, about issues such as the range and scope of climate fiction from and on South Asia, its potential for influencing actual action on the climate crisis; among others on his work and the work of authors within the climate fiction genre.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this session, Ashish Kothari of Kalpavriksh and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives will be conversing with Amitav Ghosh, celebrated author, about issues such as the range and scope of climate fiction from and on South Asia, its potential for influencing actual action on the climate crisis; among others on his work and the work of authors within the climate fiction genre.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E authors within the climate fiction genre.","title":"Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh","link":"","lat":40.71278,"lon":-74.00597,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Climate_Change_Fiction:_Marine_ecosystems_and_climate_fiction_from_South_Asia\" title=\"Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: Marine ecosystems and climate fiction from South Asia\"\u003EWebinar:Climate Change Fiction: Marine ecosystems and climate fiction from South Asia\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EAccelerated anthropogenic climate change p\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Accelerated anthropogenic climate change poses a serious existential threat to dwellers in the marine world, besides the fisherfolk and inhabitants of coastal areas. The melting of land ice in Antarctica and Greenland, leading to rise of ocean levels, besides the deleterious effects of acidification on marine ecosystems, may soon reach a tipping point if adequate mitigation is not undertaken soon.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;In this episode, writers and activists from South Asia share their creative responses to this ongoing crisis, which may eventually lead to biosphere collapse if such trends are not reversed.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EAccelerated anthropogenic climate change poses a serious existential threat to dwellers in the marine world, besides the fisherfolk and inhabitants of coastal areas. The melting of land ice in Antarctica and Greenland, leading to rise of ocean levels, besides the deleterious effects of acidification on marine ecosystems, may soon reach a tipping point if adequate mitigation is not undertaken soon.\n\nIn this episode, writers and activists from South Asia share their creative responses to this ongoing crisis, which may eventually lead to biosphere collapse if such trends are not reversed.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E collapse if such trends are not reversed.","title":"Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: Marine ecosystems and climate fiction from South Asia","link":"","lat":-33.13755,"lon":81.82617,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Climate_Change_Fiction:_The_South_Asia_Experience\" title=\"Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: The South Asia Experience\"\u003EWebinar:Climate Change Fiction: The South Asia Experience\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this interaction between authors, schol\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this interaction between authors, scholars and activists, we hope to critically explore the reasons for South Asia being foregrounded as a zone for climate catastrophe in recent Western cli-fi (Kim Stanley Robinson, Ministry of the Future, Stephen Markley, The Deluge), as well as discover more about the extent to which this sub-genre has found roots in this region. Amitav Ghosh has led the way in writing novels with this theme (The Hungry Tide, Gun Island), besides critiquing the failure of literary fiction to engage with this set of questions.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this interaction between authors, scholars and activists, we hope to critically explore the reasons for South Asia being foregrounded as a zone for climate catastrophe in recent Western cli-fi (Kim Stanley Robinson, Ministry of the Future, Stephen Markley, The Deluge), as well as discover more about the extent to which this sub-genre has found roots in this region. Amitav Ghosh has led the way in writing novels with this theme (The Hungry Tide, Gun Island), besides critiquing the failure of literary fiction to engage with this set of questions.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Etion to engage with this set of questions.","title":"Webinar:Climate Change Fiction: The South Asia Experience","link":"","lat":25.03764,"lon":76.45631,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Coalition_Against_Land_Grabbing\" title=\"Endorser:Coalition Against Land Grabbing\"\u003EEndorser:Coalition Against Land Grabbing\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ECALG is at the frontline leading the struggle against oil palm expansion and land grabbing in Palawan, the Philippine's \"last frontier\".","title":"Endorser:Coalition Against Land Grabbing","link":"","lat":9.73914,"lon":118.75545,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Community_Economies_Institute\" title=\"Endorser:Community Economies Institute\"\u003EEndorser:Community Economies Institute\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Community Economies Institute seeks to bring about more sustainable and equitable forms of development by acting on new ways of thinking about economies and politics.","title":"Endorser:Community Economies Institute","link":"","lat":-35.28094,"lon":149.13001,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Community_Forest_Rights\" title=\"Case:Community Forest Rights\"\u003ECase:Community Forest Rights\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Case:Community Forest Rights","link":"","lat":20.59368,"lon":78.96288,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Competing_narratives_for_the_future_of_agriculture_in_Africa\" title=\"Webinar:Competing narratives for the future of agriculture in Africa\"\u003EWebinar:Competing narratives for the future of agriculture in Africa\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this session, we discuss about the comp\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this session, we discuss about the competing narratives for transforming African agriculture/ food system. In the West, everyone has a solution for Africa. They propose a Green Revolution and other failing and destructive approach to food, agriculture, and the environment into Africa must be challenged. And it has been challenged. Agroecology is a realistic strategy for improving our nutrition, increasing production, enhancing biodiversity, raising resilience, and boosting farmer income.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this session, we discuss about the competing narratives for transforming African agriculture/ food system. In the West, everyone has a solution for Africa. They propose a Green Revolution and other failing and destructive approach to food, agriculture, and the environment into Africa must be challenged. And it has been challenged. Agroecology is a realistic strategy for improving our nutrition, increasing production, enhancing biodiversity, raising resilience, and boosting farmer income.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eng resilience, and boosting farmer income.","title":"Webinar:Competing narratives for the future of agriculture in Africa","link":"","lat":9.145,"lon":40.48967,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Confronting_COVID_19_with_dignity_and_strength:_Resilience_of_small-scale_fisheries_in_Costa_Rica\" title=\"Webinar:Confronting COVID 19 with dignity and strength: Resilience of small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica\"\u003EWebinar:Confronting COVID 19 with dignity and strength: Resilience of small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThis webinar will share the experience of \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"This webinar will share the experience of the association between CoopeSoliDar R.L and small scale fisher communities in Costa Rica in the defense of their rights to responsible, small-scale fisheries. In particular, the experience in the context of COVID 19 and how community resilience has been a result of collective action, community-based governance models, equity, and the innovation of a fair market. These aspects have guaranteed community livelihood security in a moment of great struggle, when traditional markets and tourism collapsed.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThis webinar will share the experience of the association between CoopeSoliDar R.L and small scale fisher communities in Costa Rica in the defense of their rights to responsible, small-scale fisheries. In particular, the experience in the context of COVID 19 and how community resilience has been a result of collective action, community-based governance models, equity, and the innovation of a fair market. These aspects have guaranteed community livelihood security in a moment of great struggle, when traditional markets and tourism collapsed.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Etraditional markets and tourism collapsed.","title":"Webinar:Confronting COVID 19 with dignity and strength: Resilience of small-scale fisheries in Costa Rica","link":"","lat":9.93103,"lon":-84.05198,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Cooperation_Jackson,_community_solidarity_and_mutual_aid\" title=\"Case:Cooperation Jackson, community solidarity and mutual aid\"\u003ECase:Cooperation Jackson, community solidarity and mutual aid\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ECooperation Jackson is a network of worker\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Cooperation Jackson is a network of worker cooperatives and solidarity economy institutions, like the Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust, based in Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson is the Capital of Mississippi. It is over 80% Black, with the overwhelming majority of the Black population being low wage, underemployed, or unemployed workers.\u0026#10;Cooperation Jackson has three interrelated and interconnected green cooperatives at the core of our cooperative federation. These are 1) Freedom Farms, an urban farming cooperative, 2) the Green Team, a landscaping, organic waste gathering and composting cooperative, and 3) the Community Production Cooperative, which is a small scale manufacturing production, specializing in digital fabrication.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ECooperation Jackson is a network of worker cooperatives and solidarity economy institutions, like the Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust, based in Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson is the Capital of Mississippi. It is over 80% Black, with the overwhelming majority of the Black population being low wage, underemployed, or unemployed workers.\nCooperation Jackson has three interrelated and interconnected green cooperatives at the core of our cooperative federation. These are 1) Freedom Farms, an urban farming cooperative, 2) the Green Team, a landscaping, organic waste gathering and composting cooperative, and 3) the Community Production Cooperative, which is a small scale manufacturing production, specializing in digital fabrication.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Etion, specializing in digital fabrication.","title":"Case:Cooperation Jackson, community solidarity and mutual aid","link":"","lat":32.30559,"lon":-90.1996,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid_19_-_10,000_Years_of_Winter_Fisheries_Endangered:_Responses_From_the_Polar_North_and_Why_Do_They_Matter_in_Global_South\" title=\"Webinar:Covid 19 - 10,000 Years of Winter Fisheries Endangered: Responses From the Polar North and Why Do They Matter in Global South\"\u003EWebinar:Covid 19 - 10,000 Years of Winter Fisheries Endangered: Responses From the Polar North and Why Do They Matter in Global South\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this session, Tero Mustonen, a fisherma\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this session, Tero Mustonen, a fisherman from Finland, first explains how transformative climate change is at present to cryosphere (snow-ice) based cultures, lifestyles and professions, like winter fisheries. Secondly, by reviewing the Landscape Rewilding Programme by the Snowchange Cooperative links between equity, Indigenous- and community-led action on climate change and a \u0026quot;return to the land\u0026quot; are discussed as a globally-relevant actions to address our historic moment in time on the Planet.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this session, Tero Mustonen, a fisherman from Finland, first explains how transformative climate change is at present to cryosphere (snow-ice) based cultures, lifestyles and professions, like winter fisheries. Secondly, by reviewing the Landscape Rewilding Programme by the Snowchange Cooperative links between equity, Indigenous- and community-led action on climate change and a \"return to the land\" are discussed as a globally-relevant actions to address our historic moment in time on the Planet.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eour historic moment in time on the Planet.","title":"Webinar:Covid 19 - 10,000 Years of Winter Fisheries Endangered: Responses From the Polar North and Why Do They Matter in Global South","link":"","lat":62.80621,"lon":30.15539,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid_19_-_A_dialogue_on_economy_of_Well-being\" title=\"Webinar:Covid 19 - A dialogue on economy of Well-being\"\u003EWebinar:Covid 19 - A dialogue on economy of Well-being\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this ninth session we explore \"Wellbein\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this ninth session we explore \u0026quot;Wellbeing Economy\u0026quot;, which aims to break free from the growth mantra, and build a better society that promotes social justice on a healthy planet by empowering citizens as the collective leaders of tomorrow. Members of the Well-being Economy Alliance expand on this concept and practice.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this ninth session we explore \"Wellbeing Economy\", which aims to break free from the growth mantra, and build a better society that promotes social justice on a healthy planet by empowering citizens as the collective leaders of tomorrow. Members of the Well-being Economy Alliance expand on this concept and practice.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eiance expand on this concept and practice.","title":"Webinar:Covid 19 - A dialogue on economy of Well-being","link":"","lat":51.19116,"lon":-3.89244,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid_19_-_Potato_Park:_Defending_the_past_to_envision_the_future\" title=\"Webinar:Covid 19 - Potato Park: Defending the past to envision the future\"\u003EWebinar:Covid 19 - Potato Park: Defending the past to envision the future\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Potato Park is a community-managed Bio\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Potato Park is a community-managed Biocultural Heritage Territory established as \u201cFood Neighborhood\u201d by six Quechua communities in Peru in 2000. It conserves a unique mountain agroecosystem, its indigenous biocultural heritage including one of world\u2019s richest potato diversity landscapes. The webinar will describe the history and challenges of the community\u2019s holistic management approach based on sumaq kausay or buen vivir, response during COVID pandemic, and visions for the future.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Potato Park is a community-managed Biocultural Heritage Territory established as \u201cFood Neighborhood\u201d by six Quechua communities in Peru in 2000. It conserves a unique mountain agroecosystem, its indigenous biocultural heritage including one of world\u2019s richest potato diversity landscapes. The webinar will describe the history and challenges of the community\u2019s holistic management approach based on sumaq kausay or buen vivir, response during COVID pandemic, and visions for the future.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003EOVID pandemic, and visions for the future.","title":"Webinar:Covid 19 - Potato Park: Defending the past to envision the future","link":"","lat":-13.35923,"lon":-71.79757,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid_19_-_Visioning_the_Future:_May_First_Movement_Technology\" title=\"Webinar:Covid 19 - Visioning the Future: May First Movement Technology\"\u003EWebinar:Covid 19 - Visioning the Future: May First Movement Technology\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThis is a collective dialogue about May Fi\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"This is a collective dialogue about May First Movement Technology, a non-profit organization that engages in building movements by advancing the strategic use and collective control of technology for local struggles, global transformation, and emancipation without borders.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThis is a collective dialogue about May First Movement Technology, a non-profit organization that engages in building movements by advancing the strategic use and collective control of technology for local struggles, global transformation, and emancipation without borders.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ermation, and emancipation without borders.","title":"Webinar:Covid 19 - Visioning the Future: May First Movement Technology","link":"","lat":40.67818,"lon":-73.94416,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid_19_-_Women_Farmers_Adapt_and_Innovate!:_Alternative_models_developed_by_women_farmers_in_India\" title=\"Webinar:Covid 19 - Women Farmers Adapt and Innovate!: Alternative models developed by women farmers in India\"\u003EWebinar:Covid 19 - Women Farmers Adapt and Innovate!: Alternative models developed by women farmers in India\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EMAKAAM -Women farmers rights- forum share their experiences and innovations to sustain and adapt to covid circumstances for food and livelihoods security ; and to innovate for marketing of produce and planning in uncertain times.","title":"Webinar:Covid 19 - Women Farmers Adapt and Innovate!: Alternative models developed by women farmers in India","link":"","lat":17.4324,"lon":78.53699,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid_19-_moving_towards_a_Commons_future\" title=\"Webinar:Covid 19- moving towards a Commons future\"\u003EWebinar:Covid 19- moving towards a Commons future\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThird in a series exploring the opportunit\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Third in a series exploring the opportunities of promoting and creating systemic alternatives, this dialogue explores the responses emerging the Commons Movement, particularly in Europe. How can it provide us the pathways to move towards direct democracy, social equity and ecological resilience?\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThird in a series exploring the opportunities of promoting and creating systemic alternatives, this dialogue explores the responses emerging the Commons Movement, particularly in Europe. How can it provide us the pathways to move towards direct democracy, social equity and ecological resilience?\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, social equity and ecological resilience?","title":"Webinar:Covid 19- moving towards a Commons future","link":"","lat":50.84764,"lon":4.35717,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid-19_%E2%80%93_a_potential_opening_for_Just_Transitions%3F\" title=\"Webinar:Covid-19 \u2013 a potential opening for Just Transitions?\"\u003EWebinar:Covid-19 \u2013 a potential opening for Just Transitions?\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EFirst, in a series exploring the opportuni\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"First, in a series exploring the opportunities of promoting and creating systemic alternatives, this dialogue explores the responses emerging from labour movements, workers, social movements and popular organisations in South Africa. How can campaigns like One Million Climate Jobs and People\u2019s Coalition provide pathways out of multiple crises, both in the present and the future?\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EFirst, in a series exploring the opportunities of promoting and creating systemic alternatives, this dialogue explores the responses emerging from labour movements, workers, social movements and popular organisations in South Africa. How can campaigns like One Million Climate Jobs and People\u2019s Coalition provide pathways out of multiple crises, both in the present and the future?\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Erises, both in the present and the future?","title":"Webinar:Covid-19 \u2013 a potential opening for Just Transitions?","link":"","lat":-30.55948,"lon":22.93751,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Covid-19:_a_response_from_Nayakrishi_Andolan\" title=\"Webinar:Covid-19: a response from Nayakrishi Andolan\"\u003EWebinar:Covid-19: a response from Nayakrishi Andolan\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe second in a series exploring the oppor\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The second in a series exploring the opportunities of promoting and creating systemic alternatives to global crises, this dialogue explores the responses emerging from local, sustainable, bio-diverse farming in Bangladesh. How can campaigns like a New Agriculture Movement or Nayakrishi Andolan led by farmers show us pathways to a just, equitable, sustainable future that helps avoid or deal with such crises better?\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe second in a series exploring the opportunities of promoting and creating systemic alternatives to global crises, this dialogue explores the responses emerging from local, sustainable, bio-diverse farming in Bangladesh. How can campaigns like a New Agriculture Movement or Nayakrishi Andolan led by farmers show us pathways to a just, equitable, sustainable future that helps avoid or deal with such crises better?\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Elps avoid or deal with such crises better?","title":"Webinar:Covid-19: a response from Nayakrishi Andolan","link":"","lat":24.20466,"lon":89.93707,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Defend_the_Sacred_Alliance\" title=\"Endorser:Defend the Sacred Alliance\"\u003EEndorser:Defend the Sacred Alliance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EInspired by #NoDAPL and incubated in the T\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Inspired by #NoDAPL and incubated in the Tamera community in Portugal, the Defend the Sacred Alliance brings together activists and leaders of Indigenous groups, social movements and communities to contribute to the growing practice of sacred activism, to catalyze regenerative systems change, and to protect the sanctity of all Life.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EInspired by #NoDAPL and incubated in the Tamera community in Portugal, the Defend the Sacred Alliance brings together activists and leaders of Indigenous groups, social movements and communities to contribute to the growing practice of sacred activism, to catalyze regenerative systems change, and to protect the sanctity of all Life.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, and to protect the sanctity of all Life.","title":"Endorser:Defend the Sacred Alliance","link":"","lat":37.71867,"lon":-8.52061,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:ECOLISE\" title=\"Endorser:ECOLISE\"\u003EEndorser:ECOLISE\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EECOLISE, the European network for communit\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability, recognises the unprecedented ecological, social, economic and political threats to dignified life on planet earth. At the same time, ECOLISE sees hope in the rich seam of solutions that are being continuously developed by community-led initiatives across Europe and the world, including those that encompass inner growth, inclusive approaches to collaboration and to the governance of commons and stewardship of ecosystems. In this context ECOLISE\u2019s purpose is to engage in, support and facilitate accelerated learning and collaboration among community-led initiatives, their networks and partners in order to catalyse systemic transformation within and across society.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability, recognises the unprecedented ecological, social, economic and political threats to dignified life on planet earth. At the same time, ECOLISE sees hope in the rich seam of solutions that are being continuously developed by community-led initiatives across Europe and the world, including those that encompass inner growth, inclusive approaches to collaboration and to the governance of commons and stewardship of ecosystems. In this context ECOLISE\u2019s purpose is to engage in, support and facilitate accelerated learning and collaboration among community-led initiatives, their networks and partners in order to catalyse systemic transformation within and across society.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E transformation within and across society.","title":"Endorser:ECOLISE","link":"","lat":50.83792,"lon":4.36444,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Earthlife_Africa_Jhb\" title=\"Endorser:Earthlife Africa Jhb\"\u003EEndorser:Earthlife Africa Jhb\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EEarthlife Africa is a non-profit organisat\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Earthlife Africa is a non-profit organisation, founded in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1988, that seeks a better life for all people without exploiting other people or degrading their environment. We want to encourage and support individuals, businesses and industries to reduce pollution, minimise waste and protect our natural resources.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EEarthlife Africa is a non-profit organisation, founded in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1988, that seeks a better life for all people without exploiting other people or degrading their environment. We want to encourage and support individuals, businesses and industries to reduce pollution, minimise waste and protect our natural resources.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ee waste and protect our natural resources.","title":"Endorser:Earthlife Africa Jhb","link":"","lat":-26.19325,"lon":28.03613,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Ecoversities_Alliance\" title=\"Endorser:Ecoversities Alliance\"\u003EEndorser:Ecoversities Alliance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Ecoversities Alliance is a community of learning practitioners from around the world committed to re-imagining higher education to cultivate human and ecological flourishing in response to the critical challenges of our times.","title":"Endorser:Ecoversities Alliance","link":"","lat":41.77028,"lon":-87.92762,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:European_Commons_Assembly\" title=\"Endorser:European Commons Assembly\"\u003EEndorser:European Commons Assembly\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe European Commons Assembly is a coalition for solidarity and commons-based politics across Europe.","title":"Endorser:European Commons Assembly","link":"","lat":40.41678,"lon":-3.70379,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Faircoop\" title=\"Endorser:Faircoop\"\u003EEndorser:Faircoop\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EFaircoop is an international movement of p\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Faircoop is an international movement of people who are in the process of setting up a self-managed, cooperative, supportive, ecological and autonomous socioeconomic ecosystem for the transition to alternative models of organization based on justice and equity. FairCoop promotes the use of FairCoin as social capital and as a reserve of value: it is a digital currency (cryptocoin) that is fair, ecological, decentralized, and supportive of the common good.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EFaircoop is an international movement of people who are in the process of setting up a self-managed, cooperative, supportive, ecological and autonomous socioeconomic ecosystem for the transition to alternative models of organization based on justice and equity. FairCoop promotes the use of FairCoin as social capital and as a reserve of value: it is a digital currency (cryptocoin) that is fair, ecological, decentralized, and supportive of the common good.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ealized, and supportive of the common good.","title":"Endorser:Faircoop","link":"","lat":41.3874,"lon":2.16857,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Fifth_Empire\" title=\"Endorser:Fifth Empire\"\u003EEndorser:Fifth Empire\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWe are dedicated to preserving heritage and fostering communities through old fashioned know-how, small scale solutions, convivial technologies, and cultural exchanges.","title":"Endorser:Fifth Empire","link":"","lat":38.72225,"lon":-9.13934,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Focus_on_the_Global_South\" title=\"Endorser:Focus on the Global South\"\u003EEndorser:Focus on the Global South\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EFocus on the Global South (Focus) is an ac\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Focus on the Global South (Focus) is an activist think tank in Asia providing analysis and building alternatives for just social, economic and political change. Focus has offices in Thailand, India, the Philippines, Cambodia, with its headquarter located in Bangkok.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EFocus on the Global South (Focus) is an activist think tank in Asia providing analysis and building alternatives for just social, economic and political change. Focus has offices in Thailand, India, the Philippines, Cambodia, with its headquarter located in Bangkok.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, with its headquarter located in Bangkok.","title":"Endorser:Focus on the Global South","link":"","lat":13.73418,"lon":100.53244,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Food_Sovereignty_in_El_Parque_de_la_Papa_-_Potato_Park,_Peru\" title=\"Case:Food Sovereignty in El Parque de la Papa - Potato Park, Peru\"\u003ECase:Food Sovereignty in El Parque de la Papa - Potato Park, Peru\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESince the COVID-19 pandemic, many peripher\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many peripheral, rural communities in Peru have been unequally impacted by the spread of the virus. Not only losing community members but also access to basic amenities such as healthcare and food. Indeed, for some this is only an exacerbation of prior struggles and inequalities. Yet there are burgeoning examples of people and places who have managed to build resilience, enabling them to continue flourishing (although the challenges should not be overlooked). One such example is El Parque de la Papa (from hereon referred to as the Potato Park).\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESince the COVID-19 pandemic, many peripheral, rural communities in Peru have been unequally impacted by the spread of the virus. Not only losing community members but also access to basic amenities such as healthcare and food. Indeed, for some this is only an exacerbation of prior struggles and inequalities. Yet there are burgeoning examples of people and places who have managed to build resilience, enabling them to continue flourishing (although the challenges should not be overlooked). One such example is El Parque de la Papa (from hereon referred to as the Potato Park).\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eom hereon referred to as the Potato Park).","title":"Case:Food Sovereignty in El Parque de la Papa - Potato Park, Peru","link":"","lat":-13.42168,"lon":-71.84824,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Forest_Peoples_Programme\" title=\"Endorser:Forest Peoples Programme\"\u003EEndorser:Forest Peoples Programme\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EForest Peoples Programme works with forest peoples to secure their rights, their territories and their livelihoods. We work to create political space for those peoples to control their lands and decide their own futures.","title":"Endorser:Forest Peoples Programme","link":"","lat":52.36757,"lon":4.90414,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Foundations_Earth\" title=\"Endorser:Foundations Earth\"\u003EEndorser:Foundations Earth\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EOur vision is to create a world of shared abundance, in which our relationships with each other and the rest of the living world are guided by mutual care.","title":"Endorser:Foundations Earth","link":"","lat":53.38113,"lon":-1.47008,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:From_full-scale_invasion_to_full-scale_resistance:_regional_feminist_responses_to_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine\" title=\"Case:From full-scale invasion to full-scale resistance: regional feminist responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine\"\u003ECase:From full-scale invasion to full-scale resistance: regional feminist responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe war in Ukraine clearly demonstrated th\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The war in Ukraine clearly demonstrated the depth and scope of intertwined human rights and humanitarian crises, and shed light on a multitude of systemic failures in both humanitarian and philanthropic responses...Against the backdrop of the multiplicity of devastating, grassroots organizers and grassroots-based grantmakers took over the lifesaving frontline work of crisis response and recovery and modeled what community-led responses truly look like. Thanks to their intersectional politics, deep relationships, knowledges of local contexts, and being in tune with the needs and priorities of local communities, the systemic alternatives built by these grassroots-led organizers are an engine for forcibly displaced people in reclaiming their agency and human dignity.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe war in Ukraine clearly demonstrated the depth and scope of intertwined human rights and humanitarian crises, and shed light on a multitude of systemic failures in both humanitarian and philanthropic responses...Against the backdrop of the multiplicity of devastating, grassroots organizers and grassroots-based grantmakers took over the lifesaving frontline work of crisis response and recovery and modeled what community-led responses truly look like. Thanks to their intersectional politics, deep relationships, knowledges of local contexts, and being in tune with the needs and priorities of local communities, the systemic alternatives built by these grassroots-led organizers are an engine for forcibly displaced people in reclaiming their agency and human dignity.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ereclaiming their agency and human dignity.","title":"Case:From full-scale invasion to full-scale resistance: regional feminist responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine","link":"","lat":50.43893,"lon":30.52134,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Gaia_Foundation\" title=\"Endorser:Gaia Foundation\"\u003EEndorser:Gaia Foundation\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWorking together with partners, communities and movements to revive bio-cultural diversity, to regenerate healthy ecosystems and to strengthen community self-governance for climate change resilience.","title":"Endorser:Gaia Foundation","link":"","lat":51.55374,"lon":-0.15852,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Alliance_for_the_Rights_of_Nature\" title=\"Endorser:Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature\"\u003EEndorser:Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is a global network of organizations and individuals committed to the universal adoption and implementation of legal systems that recognize, respect and enforce \u201cRights of Nature\u201d.","title":"Endorser:Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature","link":"","lat":-0.27345,"lon":-78.4563,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Diversity_Foundation\" title=\"Endorser:Global Diversity Foundation\"\u003EEndorser:Global Diversity Foundation\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESince 2000, Global Diversity Foundation ha\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Since 2000, Global Diversity Foundation has carried out vibrant applied collaborative research programmes with Indigenous communities in Mesoamerica, North Africa, Southeast Asia and southern Africa. In collaboration with local and national institutions, we provide training and advocacy to support communities as they design and implement their own initiatives to maintain local environments and enhance their livelihoods and wellbeing. Our areas of focus depend on community interests and priorities. To date, we have worked on community-based biocultural diversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods, community access to lands and resources, the continuity of ethnobiological knowledge, community health and wellbeing.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESince 2000, Global Diversity Foundation has carried out vibrant applied collaborative research programmes with Indigenous communities in Mesoamerica, North Africa, Southeast Asia and southern Africa. In collaboration with local and national institutions, we provide training and advocacy to support communities as they design and implement their own initiatives to maintain local environments and enhance their livelihoods and wellbeing. Our areas of focus depend on community interests and priorities. To date, we have worked on community-based biocultural diversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods, community access to lands and resources, the continuity of ethnobiological knowledge, community health and wellbeing.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eknowledge, community health and wellbeing.","title":"Endorser:Global Diversity Foundation","link":"","lat":51.27789,"lon":1.07905,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Ecovillage_Network\" title=\"Endorser:Global Ecovillage Network\"\u003EEndorser:Global Ecovillage Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents.","title":"Endorser:Global Ecovillage Network","link":"","lat":57.65199,"lon":-3.59209,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Extractivisms_and_Alternatives_Initiative\" title=\"Endorser:Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative\"\u003EEndorser:Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Global Extractivisms and Alternatives \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative (EXALT) is a new international network of scholars, activists, and policymakers dedicated to collaboration and knowledge creation around the pressing crisis stemming from extractivist policies and practices.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative (EXALT) is a new international network of scholars, activists, and policymakers dedicated to collaboration and knowledge creation around the pressing crisis stemming from extractivist policies and practices.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E from extractivist policies and practices.","title":"Endorser:Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative","link":"","lat":60.17263,"lon":24.95104,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Forest_Coalition\" title=\"Endorser:Global Forest Coalition\"\u003EEndorser:Global Forest Coalition\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EGlobal Forest Coalition is an international coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples\u2019 Organizations defending social justice and the rights of forest peoples in forest policies.","title":"Endorser:Global Forest Coalition","link":"","lat":-25.26374,"lon":-57.57593,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_University_for_Sustainability\" title=\"Endorser:Global University for Sustainability\"\u003EEndorser:Global University for Sustainability\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe idea of the Global U is to foster dynamic interactions among movement activists and activist intellectuals, across sectors, disciplines, regions, and languages.","title":"Endorser:Global University for Sustainability","link":"","lat":22.3193,"lon":114.16936,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Working_Group_Beyond_Development\" title=\"Endorser:Global Working Group Beyond Development\"\u003EEndorser:Global Working Group Beyond Development\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Global Working Group Beyond Development is gathering/producing grounded and critical knowledge around possible paths of solutions and is making local/global dynamics and crisis phenomena more visible to global social movements.","title":"Endorser:Global Working Group Beyond Development","link":"","lat":-0.18065,"lon":-78.46784,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Global_Youth_Biodiversity_Network\" title=\"Endorser:Global Youth Biodiversity Network\"\u003EEndorser:Global Youth Biodiversity Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYB\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of youth organizations and individuals from every global region who have united together with a common goal: preventing the loss of biodiversity and preserving Earth\u0026#039;s natural resources.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of youth organizations and individuals from every global region who have united together with a common goal: preventing the loss of biodiversity and preserving Earth's natural resources.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E and preserving Earth's natural resources.","title":"Endorser:Global Youth Biodiversity Network","link":"","lat":52.52001,"lon":13.40495,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Grassroots_to_Global\" title=\"Endorser:Grassroots to Global\"\u003EEndorser:Grassroots to Global\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EGrassroots to Global aims to bring about r\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Grassroots to Global aims to bring about real systemic change by creating local, national and international bottom-up democratic spaces where people, in all our diversity, can come together to make decisions in a trauma-informed and decolonised way, which enable us to address the most critical issues of our time.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EGrassroots to Global aims to bring about real systemic change by creating local, national and international bottom-up democratic spaces where people, in all our diversity, can come together to make decisions in a trauma-informed and decolonised way, which enable us to address the most critical issues of our time.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eress the most critical issues of our time.","title":"Endorser:Grassroots to Global","link":"","lat":55.95325,"lon":-3.18827,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Great_Transition_Initiative\" title=\"Endorser:Great Transition Initiative\"\u003EEndorser:Great Transition Initiative\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Great Transition Initiative is an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human solidarity, and a resilient biosphere.","title":"Endorser:Great Transition Initiative","link":"","lat":42.37566,"lon":-71.12082,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Greenpeace_International\" title=\"Endorser:Greenpeace International\"\u003EEndorser:Greenpeace International\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EGreenpeace is an independent global campai\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning network. The network comprises 26 independent national/regional organisations in over 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EGreenpeace is an independent global campaigning network. The network comprises 26 independent national/regional organisations in over 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eonal, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.","title":"Endorser:Greenpeace International","link":"","lat":52.35863,"lon":4.84933,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Health_of_Mother_Earth_Foundation\" title=\"Endorser:Health of Mother Earth Foundation\"\u003EEndorser:Health of Mother Earth Foundation\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EAn ecological think tank organisation advocating for environmental/climate justice and food sovereignty in Nigeria and Africa at large.","title":"Endorser:Health of Mother Earth Foundation","link":"","lat":6.38482,"lon":5.60971,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Hin_Lad_Nai:_A_Successful_Model_of_Indigenous_Resistance\" title=\"Case:Hin Lad Nai: A Successful Model of Indigenous Resistance\"\u003ECase:Hin Lad Nai: A Successful Model of Indigenous Resistance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EHin Lad Nai is an Indigenous community of \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Hin Lad Nai is an Indigenous community of Pgakenyaw people living in Northern Thailand. They\u2019re made up of about twenty households living in a forest village which was first constructed in the 1960s (although the Hin Lad Nai people have lived throughout the region for much longer). Their way of life is deeply connected with the forest, as they sustain themselves almost entirely from the plants they cultivate within it.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EHin Lad Nai is an Indigenous community of Pgakenyaw people living in Northern Thailand. They\u2019re made up of about twenty households living in a forest village which was first constructed in the 1960s (although the Hin Lad Nai people have lived throughout the region for much longer). Their way of life is deeply connected with the forest, as they sustain themselves almost entirely from the plants they cultivate within it.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E from the plants they cultivate within it.","title":"Case:Hin Lad Nai: A Successful Model of Indigenous Resistance","link":"","lat":20.09229,"lon":99.72174,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:ICCA_Consortium\" title=\"Endorser:ICCA Consortium\"\u003EEndorser:ICCA Consortium\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Association ICCA Consortium is established to promote the appropriate recognition of, and support to, indigenous peoples\u2019 and community conserved areas and territories (ICCAs) at local, national and international levels.","title":"Endorser:ICCA Consortium","link":"","lat":46.20439,"lon":6.14316,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Indigenous_Communities_in_Resistance_responding_to_the_current_crisis\" title=\"Webinar:Indigenous Communities in Resistance responding to the current crisis\"\u003EWebinar:Indigenous Communities in Resistance responding to the current crisis\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThis is a dialogue from the perspectives o\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"This is a dialogue from the perspectives of resistance and re-existence driven by the militant and reflective experiences of the Zapatista and autonomous communities of Chiapas (Mexico). The speakers discuss their challenges and actions in the context of the global crisis of the pandemic.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThis is a dialogue from the perspectives of resistance and re-existence driven by the militant and reflective experiences of the Zapatista and autonomous communities of Chiapas (Mexico). The speakers discuss their challenges and actions in the context of the global crisis of the pandemic.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Etext of the global crisis of the pandemic.","title":"Webinar:Indigenous Communities in Resistance responding to the current crisis","link":"","lat":16.75693,"lon":-93.12924,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Indigenous_Environmental_Network\" title=\"Endorser:Indigenous Environmental Network\"\u003EEndorser:Indigenous Environmental Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIEN is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination \u0026amp; exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Law.","title":"Endorser:Indigenous Environmental Network","link":"","lat":47.47,"lon":-94.88,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Indigenous_Self-determination_and_Coping_with_COVID-19_in_Bolivia\" title=\"Case:Indigenous Self-determination and Coping with COVID-19 in Bolivia\"\u003ECase:Indigenous Self-determination and Coping with COVID-19 in Bolivia\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe new political constitution in 2009 mar\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The new political constitution in 2009 marked a historical event in Bolivian history with the foundation of the Plurinational State and the recognition of the collective rights and autonomy for the 36 indigenous nations in Bolivia. The idea of the Plurinational State is the recognition of the diversity of cultures, institutions, civilizations, and languages that exist within the country as opposed to the process of homogenization led by the colonial state. The construction and implementation of indigenous autonomy is the mechanism that gives meaning to the pluralist approach, thereby enabling the process of decolonisation. As for self-determination, this is the right of all peoples to define their own ways of life and political, economic, social, and cultural development. \u0026#10;\u0026#10;The indigenous people of the territory of Lomer\u00edo in Bolivia have been at the forefront for indigenous self-determination in their long struggle for freedom. They were the first territory to declare their political will to assert territorial-based indigenous autonomy.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe new political constitution in 2009 marked a historical event in Bolivian history with the foundation of the Plurinational State and the recognition of the collective rights and autonomy for the 36 indigenous nations in Bolivia. The idea of the Plurinational State is the recognition of the diversity of cultures, institutions, civilizations, and languages that exist within the country as opposed to the process of homogenization led by the colonial state. The construction and implementation of indigenous autonomy is the mechanism that gives meaning to the pluralist approach, thereby enabling the process of decolonisation. As for self-determination, this is the right of all peoples to define their own ways of life and political, economic, social, and cultural development. \n\nThe indigenous people of the territory of Lomer\u00edo in Bolivia have been at the forefront for indigenous self-determination in their long struggle for freedom. They were the first territory to declare their political will to assert territorial-based indigenous autonomy.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eert territorial-based indigenous autonomy.","title":"Case:Indigenous Self-determination and Coping with COVID-19 in Bolivia","link":"","lat":-16.769,"lon":-61.81021,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Indigenous_rights_and_ecological_care_at_Snowchange_Cooperative\" title=\"Case:Indigenous rights and ecological care at Snowchange Cooperative\"\u003ECase:Indigenous rights and ecological care at Snowchange Cooperative\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESnowchange Cooperative is a self-described\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Snowchange Cooperative is a self-described network of local and indigenous cultures, an ecological project, and a powerful scientific organization. Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Selkie, North Karelia, Finland, Snowchange is engaged in myriad environmental justice\u2013oriented endeavors with a specific focus on the endemic cultural-historical idiosyncrasies of non-globalized, communal relation\u2013based ecological governance (Mustonen, 2017). Snowchange Cooperative\u2019s activities include traditional knowledge and culture preservation; winter seining and other traditional fishery operation; ecological restoration of previously extractive industry\u2013based sites (\u201cRewilding\u201d); and the connection and coordination of indigenous communities across the globe, from the circumpolar North to Australia and Aotearoa. These communities work together in climate change science, traditional knowledge preservation, and collaborative governance (Snowchange Cooperative, 2020; ICCA 2020). The pressures put on global economic and material-supply-chain systems by the current COVID-19 pandemic have only further stressed the need for autonomous, self-reliant communities and ecologies such as those championed by Snowchange Cooperative.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESnowchange Cooperative is a self-described network of local and indigenous cultures, an ecological project, and a powerful scientific organization. Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Selkie, North Karelia, Finland, Snowchange is engaged in myriad environmental justice\u2013oriented endeavors with a specific focus on the endemic cultural-historical idiosyncrasies of non-globalized, communal relation\u2013based ecological governance (Mustonen, 2017). Snowchange Cooperative\u2019s activities include traditional knowledge and culture preservation; winter seining and other traditional fishery operation; ecological restoration of previously extractive industry\u2013based sites (\u201cRewilding\u201d); and the connection and coordination of indigenous communities across the globe, from the circumpolar North to Australia and Aotearoa. These communities work together in climate change science, traditional knowledge preservation, and collaborative governance (Snowchange Cooperative, 2020; ICCA 2020). The pressures put on global economic and material-supply-chain systems by the current COVID-19 pandemic have only further stressed the need for autonomous, self-reliant communities and ecologies such as those championed by Snowchange Cooperative.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ehose championed by Snowchange Cooperative.","title":"Case:Indigenous rights and ecological care at Snowchange Cooperative","link":"","lat":62.80644,"lon":30.15599,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:International_Network_of_Mountain_Indigenous_Peoples\" title=\"Endorser:International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples\"\u003EEndorser:International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe International Network for Mountain Ind\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The International Network for Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP) was established three years ago in the Himalayas of Bhutan among the ten participating countries of Bhutan, China, India, Kyrgyzstan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Taiwan, Tajikistan, and Thailand. INMIP was formed for capacity building in establishing and implementing Biocultural Heritage Territories and for sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation and the development of innovations that support resilience.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe International Network for Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP) was established three years ago in the Himalayas of Bhutan among the ten participating countries of Bhutan, China, India, Kyrgyzstan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Taiwan, Tajikistan, and Thailand. INMIP was formed for capacity building in establishing and implementing Biocultural Heritage Territories and for sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation and the development of innovations that support resilience.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ent of innovations that support resilience.","title":"Endorser:International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples","link":"","lat":-13.52684,"lon":-71.95088,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:International_Tribunal_on_Rights_of_Nature\" title=\"Endorser:International Tribunal on Rights of Nature\"\u003EEndorser:International Tribunal on Rights of Nature\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Tribunal aims to create a forum for pe\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Tribunal aims to create a forum for people from all around the world to speak on behalf of nature, to protest the destruction of the Earth, destruction that is often sanctioned by governments and corporations, and to make recommendations about Earth\u2019s protection and restoration. The Tribunal also has a strong focus on enabling Indigenous Peoples to share their unique concerns and solutions about land, water, and culture with the global community.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Tribunal aims to create a forum for people from all around the world to speak on behalf of nature, to protest the destruction of the Earth, destruction that is often sanctioned by governments and corporations, and to make recommendations about Earth\u2019s protection and restoration. The Tribunal also has a strong focus on enabling Indigenous Peoples to share their unique concerns and solutions about land, water, and culture with the global community.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eer, and culture with the global community.","title":"Endorser:International Tribunal on Rights of Nature","link":"","lat":-0.19492,"lon":-78.40577,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:It_Takes_Roots\" title=\"Endorser:It Takes Roots\"\u003EEndorser:It Takes Roots\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIt Takes Roots! Is a collaboration between\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"It Takes Roots! Is a collaboration between over 200 grassroots social movements aiming to build power at local, state, tribal and regional levels in the United States. The network of alliances hopes to strengthen the capacity of urban and rural communities most affected by racial, gender, housing, environmental, energy, and climate injustices. It is led by women, gender nonconforming people, people of colour, and Indigenous peoples, and is the result of years of relationship building across the Climate Justice Alliance, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Indigenous Environmental Network, Right to the City Alliance, Centre for Story-based Strategy, and The Ruckus Society. Each alliance contributes with unique expertise, helping to grow resistance.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIt Takes Roots! Is a collaboration between over 200 grassroots social movements aiming to build power at local, state, tribal and regional levels in the United States. The network of alliances hopes to strengthen the capacity of urban and rural communities most affected by racial, gender, housing, environmental, energy, and climate injustices. It is led by women, gender nonconforming people, people of colour, and Indigenous peoples, and is the result of years of relationship building across the Climate Justice Alliance, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Indigenous Environmental Network, Right to the City Alliance, Centre for Story-based Strategy, and The Ruckus Society. Each alliance contributes with unique expertise, helping to grow resistance.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eque expertise, helping to grow resistance.","title":"Endorser:It Takes Roots","link":"","lat":37.77493,"lon":-122.41942,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Katalizo\" title=\"Endorser:Katalizo\"\u003EEndorser:Katalizo\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EKatalizo seeks to promote change at the gl\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Katalizo seeks to promote change at the global level by harnessing the energy and wisdom of youth and elders. Based on non-intrusive change principles and strategies, Katalizo encourages communities to discover their own talents and resources in order to find solutions to the problems that limit their quality of life and social development.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EKatalizo seeks to promote change at the global level by harnessing the energy and wisdom of youth and elders. Based on non-intrusive change principles and strategies, Katalizo encourages communities to discover their own talents and resources in order to find solutions to the problems that limit their quality of life and social development.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eir quality of life and social development.","title":"Endorser:Katalizo","link":"","lat":46.81388,"lon":-71.20798,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Konfederasi_Pergerakan_Rakyat_Indonesia_(KPRI)\" title=\"Case:Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia (KPRI)\"\u003ECase:Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia (KPRI)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesi\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia (KPRI) or Confederation of Indonesia Peoples Movement is a national organisation consisting of federations of women, workers, peasants, fisherfolk, indigenous people, and urban poor. KPRI members consist of 70 unions or people\u2019s organisations in 22 provinces and 125 districts and cities across Indonesia (UP CIDS, 2018).\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia (KPRI) or Confederation of Indonesia Peoples Movement is a national organisation consisting of federations of women, workers, peasants, fisherfolk, indigenous people, and urban poor. KPRI members consist of 70 unions or people\u2019s organisations in 22 provinces and 125 districts and cities across Indonesia (UP CIDS, 2018).\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ed cities across Indonesia (UP CIDS, 2018).","title":"Case:Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia (KPRI)","link":"","lat":-6.25108,"lon":106.83569,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Leadership_for_the_Ecozoic\" title=\"Endorser:Leadership for the Ecozoic\"\u003EEndorser:Leadership for the Ecozoic\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ELeadership for the Ecozoic is a university\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Leadership for the Ecozoic is a university network working towards a vision of the future founded on mutually enhancing relationships between human societies and the planetary community of life.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;The term \u201cEcozoic\u201d originates from cultural historian Thomas Berry. Drawing from Berry\u2019s work, L4E defines the Ecozoic as an emerging vision for human habitation of Earth which allows and enables the flourishing of the whole community of life. L4E works to further this emerging vision through collaborative scholarship, learning and experimentation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ELeadership for the Ecozoic is a university network working towards a vision of the future founded on mutually enhancing relationships between human societies and the planetary community of life.\n\nThe term \u201cEcozoic\u201d originates from cultural historian Thomas Berry. Drawing from Berry\u2019s work, L4E defines the Ecozoic as an emerging vision for human habitation of Earth which allows and enables the flourishing of the whole community of life. L4E works to further this emerging vision through collaborative scholarship, learning and experimentation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Escholarship, learning and experimentation.","title":"Endorser:Leadership for the Ecozoic","link":"","lat":44.5588,"lon":-72.57784,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Living_Utopias\" title=\"Webinar:Living Utopias\"\u003EWebinar:Living Utopias\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe course Living Utopias is oriented for \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The course Living Utopias is oriented for anyone who believes that the current industry driven endless economic growth model which we term as Industrialism has collapsed or is in severe crisis and there is an urgent need for creating an alternative world in every sphere be it of ecology, economy, politics, culture , education and technology. Through short and long term courses we intend to help the participant gain a perspective around the urgency in combating the crisis of industrialism in the world today and introduce the participant to various alternatives existing in the world today.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe course Living Utopias is oriented for anyone who believes that the current industry driven endless economic growth model which we term as Industrialism has collapsed or is in severe crisis and there is an urgent need for creating an alternative world in every sphere be it of ecology, economy, politics, culture , education and technology. Through short and long term courses we intend to help the participant gain a perspective around the urgency in combating the crisis of industrialism in the world today and introduce the participant to various alternatives existing in the world today.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E alternatives existing in the world today.","title":"Webinar:Living Utopias","link":"","lat":12.9716,"lon":77.59456,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Local_Futures\" title=\"Endorser:Local Futures\"\u003EEndorser:Local Futures\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ELocal Futures (formerly the International \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Local Futures (formerly the International Society for Ecology and Culture) was founded in response to the expansion of unsustainable, non-regenerative development in Ladakh, Northern India. The organisation aims to promote a more holistic understanding of what it takes to heal the damage caused by an extravist, profit- driven economy and to build structures that foster wellbeing. This is primarily done through the provision of educational materials, books, films, conferences, workshops throughout the world.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ELocal Futures (formerly the International Society for Ecology and Culture) was founded in response to the expansion of unsustainable, non-regenerative development in Ladakh, Northern India. The organisation aims to promote a more holistic understanding of what it takes to heal the damage caused by an extravist, profit- driven economy and to build structures that foster wellbeing. This is primarily done through the provision of educational materials, books, films, conferences, workshops throughout the world.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Enferences, workshops throughout the world.","title":"Endorser:Local Futures","link":"","lat":44.52063,"lon":-72.30753,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Los_Angeles_for_All\" title=\"Endorser:Los Angeles for All\"\u003EEndorser:Los Angeles for All\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EInspired by the theory and practice of rad\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Inspired by the theory and practice of radical municipalism, they are a network of autonomous social movement organizations. They resist the dominant structures that rule over us by building and networking alternatives based on direct democracy, solidarity economy and feminized politics, thus tending to the fertile movement technology.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EInspired by the theory and practice of radical municipalism, they are a network of autonomous social movement organizations. They resist the dominant structures that rule over us by building and networking alternatives based on direct democracy, solidarity economy and feminized politics, thus tending to the fertile movement technology.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eending to the fertile movement technology.","title":"Endorser:Los Angeles for All","link":"","lat":34.10606,"lon":-118.28714,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Lumad_Bakwit_School\" title=\"Case:Lumad Bakwit School\"\u003ECase:Lumad Bakwit School\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Bakwit School is the fruition of decad\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Bakwit School is the fruition of decades-long struggle by the Lumad people in Mindanao, Philippines. Since they only get a mouse\u2019s share of state services, these indigenous peoples (IP) have paved the way for alternative practices that cater to their needs while improving their political organisation, economic welfare, and cultural life\u2014thus contributing to the realisation of their own vision of development.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Bakwit School is the fruition of decades-long struggle by the Lumad people in Mindanao, Philippines. Since they only get a mouse\u2019s share of state services, these indigenous peoples (IP) have paved the way for alternative practices that cater to their needs while improving their political organisation, economic welfare, and cultural life\u2014thus contributing to the realisation of their own vision of development.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Esation of their own vision of development.","title":"Case:Lumad Bakwit School","link":"","lat":8.49613,"lon":123.30341,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:MINGAnet\" title=\"Endorser:MINGAnet\"\u003EEndorser:MINGAnet\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EMINGAnet is a civil society initiative tha\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"MINGAnet is a civil society initiative that invites to the co-creation of an eco-ethical, autonomous, collaborative, grateful and committed to life and to the responsibility of \u0026quot;inhabiting the earth\u0026quot;. \u0026quot;Based on human dignity, autonomy, respect, trust, integrity, creativity and freedom, MINGAnet - Mundos Interconectados para la Gesti\u00f3n del Aprendizaje - is also an indigenous pre-Columbian Quechua word meaning \u0026quot;work shared by the community\u0026quot;.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EMINGAnet is a civil society initiative that invites to the co-creation of an eco-ethical, autonomous, collaborative, grateful and committed to life and to the responsibility of \"inhabiting the earth\". \"Based on human dignity, autonomy, respect, trust, integrity, creativity and freedom, MINGAnet - Mundos Interconectados para la Gesti\u00f3n del Aprendizaje - is also an indigenous pre-Columbian Quechua word meaning \"work shared by the community\".\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Erd meaning \"work shared by the community\".","title":"Endorser:MINGAnet","link":"","lat":4.71099,"lon":-74.07209,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:May_First_Movement_Technology\" title=\"Endorser:May First Movement Technology\"\u003EEndorser:May First Movement Technology\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EMay First Movement Technology is a U.S. an\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"May First Movement Technology is a U.S. and Mexico based non-profit membership cooperative that tries to strengthen movements standing for local struggles, global transformation, and emancipation without borders through furthering the strategic use, and collective control, of technologies.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EMay First Movement Technology is a U.S. and Mexico based non-profit membership cooperative that tries to strengthen movements standing for local struggles, global transformation, and emancipation without borders through furthering the strategic use, and collective control, of technologies.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, and collective control, of technologies.","title":"Endorser:May First Movement Technology","link":"","lat":40.64338,"lon":-74.01316,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:M%CE%ADta\" title=\"Endorser:M\u03adta\"\u003EEndorser:M\u03adta\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003Em\u03adta\u2018s mission is to become a unique inter\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"m\u03adta\u2018s mission is to become a unique international intellectual, artistic, scholarly and cultural hub for radical progressive movements across Europe and the world: a centre not only for researching postcapitalism but also for working toward its\u2026 civilisation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003Em\u03adta\u2018s mission is to become a unique international intellectual, artistic, scholarly and cultural hub for radical progressive movements across Europe and the world: a centre not only for researching postcapitalism but also for working toward its\u2026 civilisation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ealso for working toward its\u2026 civilisation.","title":"Endorser:M\u03adta","link":"","lat":37.99229,"lon":23.73211,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:NOW_NET\" title=\"Endorser:NOW NET\"\u003EEndorser:NOW NET\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWe in the Network Economic Transformation \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"We in the Network Economic Transformation (NOW - NET or NOW NET for short) advocate an economy that serves the good life of all. Everyone is welcome to advance this vision. Many of us have been active in various alternative economic movements for a long time. We have come together to represent in diversity what unites us - the realization that our different paths lead to a common vision: a deeply democratic and needs-oriented society.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EWe in the Network Economic Transformation (NOW - NET or NOW NET for short) advocate an economy that serves the good life of all. Everyone is welcome to advance this vision. Many of us have been active in various alternative economic movements for a long time. We have come together to represent in diversity what unites us - the realization that our different paths lead to a common vision: a deeply democratic and needs-oriented society.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eply democratic and needs-oriented society.","title":"Endorser:NOW NET","link":"","lat":50.75502,"lon":7.14892,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Natural_Justice\" title=\"Endorser:Natural Justice\"\u003EEndorser:Natural Justice\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ENatural Justice is a community of lawyers \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Natural Justice is a community of lawyers that specialise in human rights and environmental law in Africa and aim to support communities in decision processes affecting their land, culture, and environment. Members of the organisation conduct research, work together with Indigenous peoples, provide technical assistance to governments and intergovernmental organisations, and participate in key international processes.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ENatural Justice is a community of lawyers that specialise in human rights and environmental law in Africa and aim to support communities in decision processes affecting their land, culture, and environment. Members of the organisation conduct research, work together with Indigenous peoples, provide technical assistance to governments and intergovernmental organisations, and participate in key international processes.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Earticipate in key international processes.","title":"Endorser:Natural Justice","link":"","lat":-33.9209,"lon":18.41912,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Nayakrishi_Andolon\" title=\"Case:Nayakrishi Andolon\"\u003ECase:Nayakrishi Andolon\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EStarted in the early 1990\u2019s, the Nayakrishi Andolon (New Agriculture Movement) has been building innovative farming practices based around \u2018seed\u2019. It is currently spread across 300,000 diverse member-households in Bangladesh.","title":"Case:Nayakrishi Andolon","link":"","lat":23.68499,"lon":90.35633,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:New_Alliance\" title=\"Endorser:New Alliance\"\u003EEndorser:New Alliance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EA platform to promote a proposal for global change addressing the over population and unlimited growth problems","title":"Endorser:New Alliance","link":"","lat":47.55165,"lon":7.62725,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:North-South_Initiative\" title=\"Endorser:North-South Initiative\"\u003EEndorser:North-South Initiative\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ENorth-South Initiative (NSI) is a Youth-Ad\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"North-South Initiative (NSI) is a Youth-Adult Partnership (YAP) modelled initiative based in Malaysia which aims to build synergy between the North and South in addressing human rights, social justice and sustainable development issues. In the era of globalisation, bridging the gap between the North and South requires a more holistic approach between the North-South and South-South peoples. Our primary mission is the empowerment of marginalized groups, i.e. the Indigenous Peoples, Minority Students, Youths Living in Conflict Zones, Migrant Workers, Refugees, Small Farmers, Interfaith/Intrafaith Actors, and other disenfranchised minorities who need solidarity.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ENorth-South Initiative (NSI) is a Youth-Adult Partnership (YAP) modelled initiative based in Malaysia which aims to build synergy between the North and South in addressing human rights, social justice and sustainable development issues. In the era of globalisation, bridging the gap between the North and South requires a more holistic approach between the North-South and South-South peoples. Our primary mission is the empowerment of marginalized groups, i.e. the Indigenous Peoples, Minority Students, Youths Living in Conflict Zones, Migrant Workers, Refugees, Small Farmers, Interfaith/Intrafaith Actors, and other disenfranchised minorities who need solidarity.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Efranchised minorities who need solidarity.","title":"Endorser:North-South Initiative","link":"","lat":3.1007,"lon":101.63985,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Pacto_Ecosocial_e_Intercultural_del_Sur\" title=\"Endorser:Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur\"\u003EEndorser:Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThis initiative was born from a group of p\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"This initiative was born from a group of people and organizations from different Latin American countries. We are motivated by the urgency of building social dynamics capable of responding to and counteracting the dynamics of capitalist rearrangement, concentration of wealth and destruction of ecosystems that we see emerging in the midst of the crisis of civilization, and of configuring, together with those who wish to join us, a collective horizon of transformation for Our America that guarantees a dignified future.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThis initiative was born from a group of people and organizations from different Latin American countries. We are motivated by the urgency of building social dynamics capable of responding to and counteracting the dynamics of capitalist rearrangement, concentration of wealth and destruction of ecosystems that we see emerging in the midst of the crisis of civilization, and of configuring, together with those who wish to join us, a collective horizon of transformation for Our America that guarantees a dignified future.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Emerica that guarantees a dignified future.","title":"Endorser:Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur","link":"","lat":-16.15137,"lon":-59.23828,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Palestine%27s_Beautiful_Resistance:_What_it_tells_the_world_about_building_peace_within\" title=\"Webinar:Palestine\u0026#039;s Beautiful Resistance: What it tells the world about building peace within\"\u003EWebinar:Palestine's Beautiful Resistance: What it tells the world about building peace within\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EBeautiful Resistance emerges from Palestin\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Beautiful Resistance emerges from Palestine as a concept and philosophy that aims to inspire hope and promote life through performing and visual arts as non-armed ways for peaceful and creative self-expression. It helps to build peace within individuals, in turn to become peace-builders in their community and beyond.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EBeautiful Resistance emerges from Palestine as a concept and philosophy that aims to inspire hope and promote life through performing and visual arts as non-armed ways for peaceful and creative self-expression. It helps to build peace within individuals, in turn to become peace-builders in their community and beyond.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ece-builders in their community and beyond.","title":"Webinar:Palestine's Beautiful Resistance: What it tells the world about building peace within","link":"","lat":31.71905,"lon":35.19851,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:People%27s_Health_Movement\" title=\"Endorser:People\u0026#039;s Health Movement\"\u003EEndorser:People's Health Movement\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe People's Health Movement (PHM) is a gl\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The People\u0026#039;s Health Movement (PHM) is a global network bringing together grassroots health activists, civil society organisations, and academic institutions from around the world. The network is committed to the provision of global health, as well as addressing social, environmental and economic determinants of health (as also stated on their website). Due to the growth in global health crises resulting from ever increasing inequities the People\u0026#039;s Charter for Health (PCH) was created. Contributors included activists, scholars, and health workers. This has also served as the guiding document for the network.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe People's Health Movement (PHM) is a global network bringing together grassroots health activists, civil society organisations, and academic institutions from around the world. The network is committed to the provision of global health, as well as addressing social, environmental and economic determinants of health (as also stated on their website). Due to the growth in global health crises resulting from ever increasing inequities the People's Charter for Health (PCH) was created. Contributors included activists, scholars, and health workers. This has also served as the guiding document for the network.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ed as the guiding document for the network.","title":"Endorser:People's Health Movement","link":"","lat":23.81033,"lon":90.41252,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:People%27s_strikes,_Floyd_rebellion_and_Resistance\" title=\"Webinar:People\u0026#039;s strikes, Floyd rebellion and Resistance\"\u003EWebinar:People's strikes, Floyd rebellion and Resistance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThis webinar discusses this moment in the \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"This webinar discusses this moment in the USA, and global significance, challenges and critical pathways that exist that can support the potential for radical transformation of society at every level, and shares the experience of Cooperation Jackson, an eco-socialist organizing to create a new society and economy from the bottom up.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThis webinar discusses this moment in the USA, and global significance, challenges and critical pathways that exist that can support the potential for radical transformation of society at every level, and shares the experience of Cooperation Jackson, an eco-socialist organizing to create a new society and economy from the bottom up.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eew society and economy from the bottom up.","title":"Webinar:People's strikes, Floyd rebellion and Resistance","link":"","lat":32.29876,"lon":-90.18481,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Post-Growth_Institute\" title=\"Endorser:Post-Growth Institute\"\u003EEndorser:Post-Growth Institute\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Post Growth Institute is an internatio\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Post Growth Institute is an international, not-for-profit organisation seeking to restore human-nature relationships by creating systems that circulate money, power, and resources. The institute ultimately works to shift worldviews, letting people know that it\u2019s possible to create economies and ways of circulating money that are in keeping with ecological limits. The goal hereby being to guide those involved to help create the \u2018more beautiful world you know is possible\u2019. This is pursued in the following ways: new economic thinking, regenerative leadership training, and postgrowth movement building.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Post Growth Institute is an international, not-for-profit organisation seeking to restore human-nature relationships by creating systems that circulate money, power, and resources. The institute ultimately works to shift worldviews, letting people know that it\u2019s possible to create economies and ways of circulating money that are in keeping with ecological limits. The goal hereby being to guide those involved to help create the \u2018more beautiful world you know is possible\u2019. This is pursued in the following ways: new economic thinking, regenerative leadership training, and postgrowth movement building.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eraining, and postgrowth movement building.","title":"Endorser:Post-Growth Institute","link":"","lat":42.19085,"lon":-122.70945,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Protecting_Benin%E2%80%99s_Sacred_Forests\" title=\"Case:Protecting Benin\u2019s Sacred Forests\"\u003ECase:Protecting Benin\u2019s Sacred Forests\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EGRABE-BENIN (The Research and Action Group\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"GRABE-BENIN (The Research and Action Group for Well-Being in Benin) was founded in the year 1996 with a mission to restore and reconnect the sacred groves and heal the communities that care for them. GRABE-BENIN is also working to connect the youth with their traditions and allow them to debate through an \u201cIntergenerational Dialogue Center\u201d. It allows the elders to transmit their knowledge and wisdom to the youth.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EGRABE-BENIN (The Research and Action Group for Well-Being in Benin) was founded in the year 1996 with a mission to restore and reconnect the sacred groves and heal the communities that care for them. GRABE-BENIN is also working to connect the youth with their traditions and allow them to debate through an \u201cIntergenerational Dialogue Center\u201d. It allows the elders to transmit their knowledge and wisdom to the youth.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Et their knowledge and wisdom to the youth.","title":"Case:Protecting Benin\u2019s Sacred Forests","link":"","lat":6.52332,"lon":2.66361,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:REEVO\" title=\"Endorser:REEVO\"\u003EEndorser:REEVO\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EREEVO is a research collective focussing on learning and educational alternatives - particularly in Iberoamerica. It tries to make visible alternative ways of learning where critical, collaborative, open and non-commercial perspectives are fostered.","title":"Endorser:REEVO","link":"","lat":-30.85698,"lon":-64.52625,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Reap_Goodness\" title=\"Endorser:Reap Goodness\"\u003EEndorser:Reap Goodness\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ETo guide the creation and day-to-day opera\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"To guide the creation and day-to-day operation of these cooperatives, Reap Goodness is creating training e-books that will be translated into 30 languages for worldwide usage as quickly as possible, so more communities can restore Earth and enjoy food and water security.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ETo guide the creation and day-to-day operation of these cooperatives, Reap Goodness is creating training e-books that will be translated into 30 languages for worldwide usage as quickly as possible, so more communities can restore Earth and enjoy food and water security.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ee Earth and enjoy food and water security.","title":"Endorser:Reap Goodness","link":"","lat":33.55315,"lon":-111.89293,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Red_Universidad_y_Compromiso_Social\" title=\"Endorser:Red Universidad y Compromiso Social\"\u003EEndorser:Red Universidad y Compromiso Social\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWe are a group of university activists tha\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"We are a group of university activists that emerged in 200 who organize courses (lately especially related to climate urgency), sign manifestos, elaborate them, support citizen movements with analysis, accompaniment, presence in the media, writing texts and sharing information.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EWe are a group of university activists that emerged in 200 who organize courses (lately especially related to climate urgency), sign manifestos, elaborate them, support citizen movements with analysis, accompaniment, presence in the media, writing texts and sharing information.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eia, writing texts and sharing information.","title":"Endorser:Red Universidad y Compromiso Social","link":"","lat":37.38909,"lon":-5.98446,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Research_and_Degrowth\" title=\"Endorser:Research and Degrowth\"\u003EEndorser:Research and Degrowth\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EResearch and Degrowth is an academic assoc\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Research and Degrowth is an academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events organisation around degrowth. The association tries to bring together scientists, civil society, practitioners, and activists to imagine and exchange ideas on how to bring about sustainable degrowth (hereby referring to a multi-level voluntary path towards reduction of production and consumption aiming at ecological sustainability, good life, liberty, and social justice).\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EResearch and Degrowth is an academic association dedicated to research, training, awareness raising and events organisation around degrowth. The association tries to bring together scientists, civil society, practitioners, and activists to imagine and exchange ideas on how to bring about sustainable degrowth (hereby referring to a multi-level voluntary path towards reduction of production and consumption aiming at ecological sustainability, good life, liberty, and social justice).\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, good life, liberty, and social justice).","title":"Endorser:Research and Degrowth","link":"","lat":41.3874,"lon":2.16857,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Responses_from_the_Kurdish_Women%E2%80%99s_Movement\" title=\"Case:Responses from the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement\"\u003ECase:Responses from the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EDespite being the smallest part of Kurdist\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Despite being the smallest part of Kurdistan \u2014 a geo-cultural territory encompassing southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, and northern Syria \u2014 Rojava now serves as a site of revolution and liberation against, and from, dominant states and capitalist modernity. These revolutionary beginnings can be traced back to 1979 with the arrival of the Kurdistan\u2019s Workers Party (PKK) and its founder Abdullah \u00d6calan, a Kurdish activist, writer, and political theorist (imprisoned by Turkey since 1999). Indeed, \u00d6calan has been especially important for the revolution, as his ideas laid the foundation on which the liberation movements (both general and the branch focusing on women\u2019s liberation) are built. Based on a 2020 webinar with Dilar Dirik (GTA, 2020) one of the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement\u2019s experts and activists, the text below will explore how Rojava and its associated movements (primarily the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement) were able to establish resilience prior to, and during, the COVID-19 pandemic.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EDespite being the smallest part of Kurdistan \u2014 a geo-cultural territory encompassing southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, and northern Syria \u2014 Rojava now serves as a site of revolution and liberation against, and from, dominant states and capitalist modernity. These revolutionary beginnings can be traced back to 1979 with the arrival of the Kurdistan\u2019s Workers Party (PKK) and its founder Abdullah \u00d6calan, a Kurdish activist, writer, and political theorist (imprisoned by Turkey since 1999). Indeed, \u00d6calan has been especially important for the revolution, as his ideas laid the foundation on which the liberation movements (both general and the branch focusing on women\u2019s liberation) are built. Based on a 2020 webinar with Dilar Dirik (GTA, 2020) one of the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement\u2019s experts and activists, the text below will explore how Rojava and its associated movements (primarily the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement) were able to establish resilience prior to, and during, the COVID-19 pandemic.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eior to, and during, the COVID-19 pandemic.","title":"Case:Responses from the Kurdish Women\u2019s Movement","link":"","lat":34.80207,"lon":38.99682,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Revitalizing_Landscapes_of_Resilience_and_Self-_Determination_in_the_Salween_Peace_Park\" title=\"Case:Revitalizing Landscapes of Resilience and Self- Determination in the Salween Peace Park\"\u003ECase:Revitalizing Landscapes of Resilience and Self- Determination in the Salween Peace Park\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Salween Peace Park is a community-led \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Salween Peace Park is a community-led initiative that strives to revitalize traditional knowledge, practice and customs to empower communities to assert rights to manage their territories and resources. Located in Mutraw District in northern Karen State, the 6,000km2 Salween Peace Park encompasses the customary territories, or Kaw (as they are known in S\u2019gaw Karen language) of 270 communities. Each of these territories is complete with its own set of traditional institutions and knowledge systems, which have been used for millennia to protect and sustain rivers, forests, and biodiversity. The Salween Peace Park brings together these territories along with Karen protected wildlife sanctuaries and reserved forests, into one indigenous conserved landscape.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Salween Peace Park is a community-led initiative that strives to revitalize traditional knowledge, practice and customs to empower communities to assert rights to manage their territories and resources. Located in Mutraw District in northern Karen State, the 6,000km2 Salween Peace Park encompasses the customary territories, or Kaw (as they are known in S\u2019gaw Karen language) of 270 communities. Each of these territories is complete with its own set of traditional institutions and knowledge systems, which have been used for millennia to protect and sustain rivers, forests, and biodiversity. The Salween Peace Park brings together these territories along with Karen protected wildlife sanctuaries and reserved forests, into one indigenous conserved landscape.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, into one indigenous conserved landscape.","title":"Case:Revitalizing Landscapes of Resilience and Self- Determination in the Salween Peace Park","link":"","lat":18.06182,"lon":97.44084,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Reviving_our_Ritual_Ceremonies_to_build_Solidarity_and_Resilience_in_Response_to_COVID-19\" title=\"Case:Reviving our Ritual Ceremonies to build Solidarity and Resilience in Response to COVID-19\"\u003ECase:Reviving our Ritual Ceremonies to build Solidarity and Resilience in Response to COVID-19\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESociety for Alternative Learning and Trans\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Society for Alternative Learning and Transformation is a community-based network of cultural and ecological governance institutions founded and established under customary laws of the Tharaka indigenous community. These cultural and ecological institutions include clans, chiefdoms, kingdoms, councils of elders, custodians of sacred natural sites, diviners and spiritual leaders, traditional healers, and so on. SALT has been reviving cultural rituals and ceremonies to build solidarity and resilience within the community.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESociety for Alternative Learning and Transformation is a community-based network of cultural and ecological governance institutions founded and established under customary laws of the Tharaka indigenous community. These cultural and ecological institutions include clans, chiefdoms, kingdoms, councils of elders, custodians of sacred natural sites, diviners and spiritual leaders, traditional healers, and so on. SALT has been reviving cultural rituals and ceremonies to build solidarity and resilience within the community.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Earity and resilience within the community.","title":"Case:Reviving our Ritual Ceremonies to build Solidarity and Resilience in Response to COVID-19","link":"","lat":-0.15214,"lon":37.30841,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Rising_Earth_News\" title=\"Endorser:Rising Earth News\"\u003EEndorser:Rising Earth News\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ERising Earth News is sharing the stories of the individuals, communities and businesses from around the world that are paving the way to a sustainable future. We invite everyone to be a part of the age of restoration.","title":"Endorser:Rising Earth News","link":"","lat":51.45451,"lon":-2.58791,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Salween_Peace_Park,_Myanmar:_Strengthening_Karen_People%27s_Resistance,_Resilience_and_Response_to_Conflict_and_Covid-19_Crises\" title=\"Webinar:Salween Peace Park, Myanmar: Strengthening Karen People\u0026#039;s Resistance, Resilience and Response to Conflict and Covid-19 Crises\"\u003EWebinar:Salween Peace Park, Myanmar: Strengthening Karen People's Resistance, Resilience and Response to Conflict and Covid-19 Crises\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Salween Peace Park is an initiative in\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Salween Peace Park is an initiative in Myanmar declared by Indigenous Karen people in December 2018 to bring peace, cultural harmony, self determination, and environmental integrity after 70 years of armed conflict in the region. However, the community continues to face threats from the Burmese military dictatorship. In this webinar, Saw Paul Sein Twa and Naw Wah Ku Shee talk about the experience of the Karen people working towards self determination, navigating a global pandemic, and facing a violent military offensive.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Salween Peace Park is an initiative in Myanmar declared by Indigenous Karen people in December 2018 to bring peace, cultural harmony, self determination, and environmental integrity after 70 years of armed conflict in the region. However, the community continues to face threats from the Burmese military dictatorship. In this webinar, Saw Paul Sein Twa and Naw Wah Ku Shee talk about the experience of the Karen people working towards self determination, navigating a global pandemic, and facing a violent military offensive.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E, and facing a violent military offensive.","title":"Webinar:Salween Peace Park, Myanmar: Strengthening Karen People's Resistance, Resilience and Response to Conflict and Covid-19 Crises","link":"","lat":18.0969,"lon":97.45345,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Sangat\" title=\"Endorser:Sangat\"\u003EEndorser:Sangat\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESangat was born out of the realisation tha\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Sangat was born out of the realisation that a network of gender activists and trainers was urgently needed in Bangladesh as the space for transformative gender work was in decline during the 90s. The word sangat refers to a gathering of community and/or like-minded people for a good and just cause. Since its founding, Sangat has focused on developing cross-border perspectives, programmes, and cooperation through a feminist lens. The network works for gender justice, equality, and peace regionally and globally.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESangat was born out of the realisation that a network of gender activists and trainers was urgently needed in Bangladesh as the space for transformative gender work was in decline during the 90s. The word sangat refers to a gathering of community and/or like-minded people for a good and just cause. Since its founding, Sangat has focused on developing cross-border perspectives, programmes, and cooperation through a feminist lens. The network works for gender justice, equality, and peace regionally and globally.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Euality, and peace regionally and globally.","title":"Endorser:Sangat","link":"","lat":28.53402,"lon":77.20531,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Save_San_Roque_and_Kalipunan_ng_Damayang_Mahihirap\" title=\"Case:Save San Roque and Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap\"\u003ECase:Save San Roque and Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ELocated in North Triangle, Bagong Pag-asa,\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Located in North Triangle, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City, the Sitio San Roque urban poor community is currently home to more than 6,000 families. Majority of them work in the informal economy as precarious contractual low-wage workers, construction vendors, transport workers, among others. Exemplifying the resilience and ingenuity of the urban poor, San Roque residents built their community, with its own roads, water and electricity networks, institutional, recreational, and commercial spaces\u2014in spite of government neglect and the absence of state housing provision and development programs.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ELocated in North Triangle, Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City, the Sitio San Roque urban poor community is currently home to more than 6,000 families. Majority of them work in the informal economy as precarious contractual low-wage workers, construction vendors, transport workers, among others. Exemplifying the resilience and ingenuity of the urban poor, San Roque residents built their community, with its own roads, water and electricity networks, institutional, recreational, and commercial spaces\u2014in spite of government neglect and the absence of state housing provision and development programs.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eousing provision and development programs.","title":"Case:Save San Roque and Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap","link":"","lat":36.21046,"lon":-5.38443,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Self-determination_%26_coping_with_COVID19_in_indigenous_Lomerio,_Bolivia\" title=\"Webinar:Self-determination \u0026amp; coping with COVID19 in indigenous Lomerio, Bolivia\"\u003EWebinar:Self-determination \u0026 coping with COVID19 in indigenous Lomerio, Bolivia\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EMonkoxi leaders from the Indigenous territ\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Monkoxi leaders from the Indigenous territory of Lomerio, Bolivia, share experiences dealing with COVID-19. Though the pandemic led to 20 people dying, the Monkoxi were able to control further spread by blocking access in and out of their territories, coordinating with partners the delivery of biomedical equipment, and (esp. important) reviving traditional medicine and community care values and relations. Participatory indigenous research in collaboration with Nur University (Bolivia) and University of East Anglia (UK) is helping systematize this learning, for possible similar out-breaks in future, and to share with other indigenous nations. This builds on several years of process to claim self-determination rights to the territory.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EMonkoxi leaders from the Indigenous territory of Lomerio, Bolivia, share experiences dealing with COVID-19. Though the pandemic led to 20 people dying, the Monkoxi were able to control further spread by blocking access in and out of their territories, coordinating with partners the delivery of biomedical equipment, and (esp. important) reviving traditional medicine and community care values and relations. Participatory indigenous research in collaboration with Nur University (Bolivia) and University of East Anglia (UK) is helping systematize this learning, for possible similar out-breaks in future, and to share with other indigenous nations. This builds on several years of process to claim self-determination rights to the territory.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eelf-determination rights to the territory.","title":"Webinar:Self-determination \u0026 coping with COVID19 in indigenous Lomerio, Bolivia","link":"","lat":-16.29015,"lon":-63.58865,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Social_Economy_and_the_Commons_in_Portugal\" title=\"Case:Social Economy and the Commons in Portugal\"\u003ECase:Social Economy and the Commons in Portugal\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESocial solidarity economy is a comprehensi\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Social solidarity economy is a comprehensive concept referring to economic practices that serve as alternatives to the capitalist economic system and to the commodification and exploitation of all spheres of life including basic human needs. As opposed to capitalism, these alternatives often involve \u201ccommunity ownership, democratic non-hierarchical and consensual decision-making, as well as mutual cooperation and embeddedness in a local social and ecological context\u2026 Profits and self-interest tend to remain secondary to larger concerns such as equity and solidarity, right to a dignified livelihood and ecological integrity\u201d. One of these practices are the commons. Commons are, according to De Angelis (2019), social systems that are formed by three basic and interconnected elements: a commonwealth, a community of commoners, and a praxis of commoning, that is of doing in common: a social process based on participatory and democratic principles.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESocial solidarity economy is a comprehensive concept referring to economic practices that serve as alternatives to the capitalist economic system and to the commodification and exploitation of all spheres of life including basic human needs. As opposed to capitalism, these alternatives often involve \u201ccommunity ownership, democratic non-hierarchical and consensual decision-making, as well as mutual cooperation and embeddedness in a local social and ecological context\u2026 Profits and self-interest tend to remain secondary to larger concerns such as equity and solidarity, right to a dignified livelihood and ecological integrity\u201d. One of these practices are the commons. Commons are, according to De Angelis (2019), social systems that are formed by three basic and interconnected elements: a commonwealth, a community of commoners, and a praxis of commoning, that is of doing in common: a social process based on participatory and democratic principles.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003En participatory and democratic principles.","title":"Case:Social Economy and the Commons in Portugal","link":"","lat":38.72225,"lon":-9.13934,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Socialist_Workers_and_Youth_League\" title=\"Endorser:Socialist Workers and Youth League\"\u003EEndorser:Socialist Workers and Youth League\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESocialist Workers \u0026amp; Youth League (SWL) is an organisation of men, women and youths who are committed to the fight for a better society. They are part of the working class in particular and fight alongside all oppressed people in general.","title":"Endorser:Socialist Workers and Youth League","link":"","lat":6.63268,"lon":3.33914,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Society_for_Learning_and_Alternative_Transformation\" title=\"Endorser:Society for Learning and Alternative Transformation\"\u003EEndorser:Society for Learning and Alternative Transformation\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESALT envisages resilient communities livin\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"SALT envisages resilient communities living in harmony with Mother Nature and conscious of their inherent rights to self-determination in decision making. It engages communities using diverse nature-based experiential learning methodologies to interrogate mind-sets with regards to depths and transformation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESALT envisages resilient communities living in harmony with Mother Nature and conscious of their inherent rights to self-determination in decision making. It engages communities using diverse nature-based experiential learning methodologies to interrogate mind-sets with regards to depths and transformation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ewith regards to depths and transformation.","title":"Endorser:Society for Learning and Alternative Transformation","link":"","lat":-0.06466,"lon":37.66793,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Soil_Not_Oil_Coalition\" title=\"Endorser:Soil Not Oil Coalition\"\u003EEndorser:Soil Not Oil Coalition\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Soil Not Oil Coalition promotes agro-ecological practices and community powered solutions to restore ecosystems and reach environmental justice.","title":"Endorser:Soil Not Oil Coalition","link":"","lat":37.40803,"lon":-122.15519,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Solidarity_Research_Center\" title=\"Endorser:Solidarity Research Center\"\u003EEndorser:Solidarity Research Center\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWe are a worker self-directed nonprofit th\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"We are a worker self-directed nonprofit that develops solidarity economy ecosystems using data science, story-based strategy, and action research. We work at the intersection of racial justice and solidarity economies.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;We were founded in 2014, initially as the research arm of the Industrial Workers of the World. We supported worker-led organizing campaigns, such as the incarcerated workers, with strategic research.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;We then broadened our scope to partner with grassroots groups outside of the union, such as farmworkers, and to take on applied research consulting work with organizations, such as the Food Chain Workers Alliance.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;We became very interested in what we were for, not just what we were against. And, how we can create the conditions within our organization to carry out fulfilling work.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;We established an affiliated worker-owned cooperative, Solidarity Research Cooperative, in 2015. That cooperative was dissolved in 2017, and some of the members went on to create a new entity, Research Action.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;Today, we are committed to resisting and building, opposing and proposing, and to building a new world in the shell of the old. In addition to our social movement building work, we partner with community organizations, cooperatives, worker centers, and labor unions to provide quantitative and qualitative research. We invite you to contact us if you are interested in partnering with us.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;We are proud members of the New Economy Coalition, Symbiosis, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, and the US Solidarity Economy Network.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EWe are a worker self-directed nonprofit that develops solidarity economy ecosystems using data science, story-based strategy, and action research. We work at the intersection of racial justice and solidarity economies.\n\nWe were founded in 2014, initially as the research arm of the Industrial Workers of the World. We supported worker-led organizing campaigns, such as the incarcerated workers, with strategic research.\n\nWe then broadened our scope to partner with grassroots groups outside of the union, such as farmworkers, and to take on applied research consulting work with organizations, such as the Food Chain Workers Alliance.\n\nWe became very interested in what we were for, not just what we were against. And, how we can create the conditions within our organization to carry out fulfilling work.\n\nWe established an affiliated worker-owned cooperative, Solidarity Research Cooperative, in 2015. That cooperative was dissolved in 2017, and some of the members went on to create a new entity, Research Action.\n\nToday, we are committed to resisting and building, opposing and proposing, and to building a new world in the shell of the old. In addition to our social movement building work, we partner with community organizations, cooperatives, worker centers, and labor unions to provide quantitative and qualitative research. We invite you to contact us if you are interested in partnering with us.\n\nWe are proud members of the New Economy Coalition, Symbiosis, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, and the US Solidarity Economy Network.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ees, and the US Solidarity Economy Network.","title":"Endorser:Solidarity Research Center","link":"","lat":34.10603,"lon":-118.28716,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Sows_of_Life,_Harvests_of_Water\" title=\"Case:Sows of Life, Harvests of Water\"\u003ECase:Sows of Life, Harvests of Water\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Case:Sows of Life, Harvests of Water","link":"","lat":3.68471,"lon":-76.52999,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Symbiosis\" title=\"Endorser:Symbiosis\"\u003EEndorser:Symbiosis\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESymbiosis is a network of organizers and a\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Symbiosis is a network of organizers and activist-researchers across North America dedicated to building community-based, popular power. Participants consist of organizations as well as individuals who work toward building a free, egalitarian, and ecological society from the ground up. We organize in neighborhoods, develop movement resources and materials, and help new projects get off the ground. We are working to create a continental confederation of radically democratic, community-based municipalist institutions.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ESymbiosis is a network of organizers and activist-researchers across North America dedicated to building community-based, popular power. Participants consist of organizations as well as individuals who work toward building a free, egalitarian, and ecological society from the ground up. We organize in neighborhoods, develop movement resources and materials, and help new projects get off the ground. We are working to create a continental confederation of radically democratic, community-based municipalist institutions.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ecommunity-based municipalist institutions.","title":"Endorser:Symbiosis","link":"","lat":43.06779,"lon":-87.90111,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Systems_Change_Alliance\" title=\"Endorser:Systems Change Alliance\"\u003EEndorser:Systems Change Alliance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ESystems Change Alliance is a value-based platform that seeks to unite progressive people and organizations to create planetary systems change.","title":"Endorser:Systems Change Alliance","link":"","lat":39.39987,"lon":-8.22445,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:The_Alternatives_Project\" title=\"Endorser:The Alternatives Project\"\u003EEndorser:The Alternatives Project\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Alternatives Project (TAP) is a divers\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Alternatives Project (TAP) is a diverse, transnational collective of progressive academics, union members, civil society activists, and social movement participants concerned with building a global collective critical voice oriented towards education and societal transformation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Alternatives Project (TAP) is a diverse, transnational collective of progressive academics, union members, civil society activists, and social movement participants concerned with building a global collective critical voice oriented towards education and societal transformation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Erds education and societal transformation.","title":"Endorser:The Alternatives Project","link":"","lat":37.43157,"lon":-78.65689,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:The_Convivialists\" title=\"Endorser:The Convivialists\"\u003EEndorser:The Convivialists\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EConvivialism, a resolutely relational phil\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Convivialism, a resolutely relational philosophical approach to the world, sets out 5 principles and an imperative to guide the reconstruction of our societies. The manifesto presents them and gives directions in which to move towards a post-neoliberal world. If liberalism has brought freedom to flourish, and modernization, convivialism will bring conviviality, individual and collective emancipation. It is signed by 275 personalities from 33 countries: a nascent Convivialist international.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EConvivialism, a resolutely relational philosophical approach to the world, sets out 5 principles and an imperative to guide the reconstruction of our societies. The manifesto presents them and gives directions in which to move towards a post-neoliberal world. If liberalism has brought freedom to flourish, and modernization, convivialism will bring conviviality, individual and collective emancipation. It is signed by 275 personalities from 33 countries: a nascent Convivialist international.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eies: a nascent Convivialist international.","title":"Endorser:The Convivialists","link":"","lat":48.84201,"lon":2.36169,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:The_Covid_Crisis_in_Chile_and_Community_Alternatives_from_Below\" title=\"Webinar:The Covid Crisis in Chile and Community Alternatives from Below\"\u003EWebinar:The Covid Crisis in Chile and Community Alternatives from Below\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn October 2019, Chile experienced one of \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In October 2019, Chile experienced one of its most significant uprisings. People demanded the end of neoliberalism, while hundreds of grassroots organizations and local assemblies emerged. During the Covid crisis, the Government\u0026#039;s response has favoured the market over people, denying them basic social protection and food security. However, grassroots organisations are actively trying to tackle poverty with popular solidarity and mutual aid. In this webinar, we explore some of these local experiences, their strategies, challenges and contributions to radical social transformation.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn October 2019, Chile experienced one of its most significant uprisings. People demanded the end of neoliberalism, while hundreds of grassroots organizations and local assemblies emerged. During the Covid crisis, the Government's response has favoured the market over people, denying them basic social protection and food security. However, grassroots organisations are actively trying to tackle poverty with popular solidarity and mutual aid. In this webinar, we explore some of these local experiences, their strategies, challenges and contributions to radical social transformation.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eibutions to radical social transformation.","title":"Webinar:The Covid Crisis in Chile and Community Alternatives from Below","link":"","lat":-35.67515,"lon":-71.54297,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:The_Emergence_Network\" title=\"Endorser:The Emergence Network\"\u003EEndorser:The Emergence Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ECurates projects and events that explore emancipatory, explorative, alternatives modes of being","title":"Endorser:The Emergence Network","link":"","lat":13.07627,"lon":80.25206,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:The_Leap\" title=\"Endorser:The Leap\"\u003EEndorser:The Leap\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Leap is an organization dedicated to transforming what\u2019s possible in the face of our intersecting crises of climate change, inequality, and racism.","title":"Endorser:The Leap","link":"","lat":45.50169,"lon":-73.56726,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:The_River_is_Us:_A_Conversation_with_Alyen_Foning\" title=\"Webinar:The River is Us: A Conversation with Alyen Foning\"\u003EWebinar:The River is Us: A Conversation with Alyen Foning\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this episode of the More than Human web\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this episode of the More than Human webinar series, Shrishtee Bajpai will be in conversation with Alyen Foning, a Shaman from the Lepcha community in India. She resides in her ancestral home, Kalimpong -the Lepcha community, with its sacred mountains and rivers, at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas. Inspired by her Lepcha roots and reflections of her life\u2019s journey, Alyen uses her art and storytelling as a medium to help others remember their own ecological connections. Using fabrics, colours, music and design, her work serves as a bridge between the fields of art and research, and between ancestral pasts and future generations.\u0026#10;\u0026#10;Through her storytelling we journey through longing, loss and disconnection. Finding our way forward through remembrance we delve into our origins, shamanism and our deep connection and interdependence to nature.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this episode of the More than Human webinar series, Shrishtee Bajpai will be in conversation with Alyen Foning, a Shaman from the Lepcha community in India. She resides in her ancestral home, Kalimpong -the Lepcha community, with its sacred mountains and rivers, at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas. Inspired by her Lepcha roots and reflections of her life\u2019s journey, Alyen uses her art and storytelling as a medium to help others remember their own ecological connections. Using fabrics, colours, music and design, her work serves as a bridge between the fields of art and research, and between ancestral pasts and future generations.\n\nThrough her storytelling we journey through longing, loss and disconnection. Finding our way forward through remembrance we delve into our origins, shamanism and our deep connection and interdependence to nature.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E connection and interdependence to nature.","title":"Webinar:The River is Us: A Conversation with Alyen Foning","link":"","lat":27.05936,"lon":88.46945,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:To_Heal_Ourselves_we_must_Free_Mother_Earth\" title=\"Case:To Heal Ourselves we must Free Mother Earth\"\u003ECase:To Heal Ourselves we must Free Mother Earth\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWe are communities of the Nasa people of n\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"We are communities of the Nasa people of northern Cauca, Colombia, who since 2005 have stood up to the capitalist power that enslaves Mother Earth: \u0026quot;...our mother is not free for life, which she will be when she returns to being the soil and collective home of the peoples who care for her, respect her and live with her, and as long as this is not the case, neither are her children free. All the peoples are slaves along with the animals and the beings of life, as long as we do not get our mother to regain her freedom.\u0026quot;\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EWe are communities of the Nasa people of northern Cauca, Colombia, who since 2005 have stood up to the capitalist power that enslaves Mother Earth: \"...our mother is not free for life, which she will be when she returns to being the soil and collective home of the peoples who care for her, respect her and live with her, and as long as this is not the case, neither are her children free. All the peoples are slaves along with the animals and the beings of life, as long as we do not get our mother to regain her freedom.\"\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Enot get our mother to regain her freedom.\"","title":"Case:To Heal Ourselves we must Free Mother Earth","link":"","lat":3.01107,"lon":-76.58183,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Towards_Dignifying_our_People_of_the_Sea:_Relaunching_Small-Scale_Fisheries_in_Costa_Rica_during_COVID-19\" title=\"Case:Towards Dignifying our People of the Sea: Relaunching Small-Scale Fisheries in Costa Rica during COVID-19\"\u003ECase:Towards Dignifying our People of the Sea: Relaunching Small-Scale Fisheries in Costa Rica during COVID-19\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Case:Towards Dignifying our People of the Sea: Relaunching Small-Scale Fisheries in Costa Rica during COVID-19","link":"","lat":9.74892,"lon":-83.75343,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Transition_Network\" title=\"Endorser:Transition Network\"\u003EEndorser:Transition Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003ETransition Network is a movement/charity engaged in facilitating community-building endeavors that envision alternative futures with collaborative care at their core","title":"Endorser:Transition Network","link":"","lat":50.43135,"lon":-3.68538,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Transnational_Institute\" title=\"Endorser:Transnational Institute\"\u003EEndorser:Transnational Institute\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe Transnational Institute (TNI) is an international research and advocacy institute committed to building a just, democratic and sustainable planet.","title":"Endorser:Transnational Institute","link":"","lat":52.38398,"lon":4.88009,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:US_Solidarity_Economy_Network\" title=\"Endorser:US Solidarity Economy Network\"\u003EEndorser:US Solidarity Economy Network\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EThe mission of the U.S. Solidarity Economy\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The mission of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network is to connect a diverse array of individuals, organizations, businesses, and projects in the shared work of building and strengthening regional, national, and international movements for a solidarity economy. Through publications, a website, mailing list, and face-to-face gatherings, the network facilitates ongoing communication and dialogue relating to the development of solidarity economy ideas, values and practices; the sharing of experiences, models and skills; and the creation of collaborative, movement-building projects between network members.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe mission of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network is to connect a diverse array of individuals, organizations, businesses, and projects in the shared work of building and strengthening regional, national, and international movements for a solidarity economy. Through publications, a website, mailing list, and face-to-face gatherings, the network facilitates ongoing communication and dialogue relating to the development of solidarity economy ideas, values and practices; the sharing of experiences, models and skills; and the creation of collaborative, movement-building projects between network members.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ebuilding projects between network members.","title":"Endorser:US Solidarity Economy Network","link":"","lat":40.6669,"lon":-73.9828,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Case:Unidiversidade:_A_New_Approach_to_Learning\" title=\"Case:Unidiversidade: A New Approach to Learning\"\u003ECase:Unidiversidade: A New Approach to Learning\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EUniDiversidade das Kebradas is an experime\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"UniDiversidade das Kebradas is an experimental school nestled in Uni\u00e3o de Vila Nova, S\u00e3o Paulo, the second most violent city in the world. The space of UniDiversidade values local wisdom and practices for the development of youth, fostering of livelihood opportunities, as well as the strengthening of community bonds. The school\u2019s objective is to bring together diversity, value the intelligence of the favela, and through this improve people\u2019s quality of life and aim at community sustainability.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EUniDiversidade das Kebradas is an experimental school nestled in Uni\u00e3o de Vila Nova, S\u00e3o Paulo, the second most violent city in the world. The space of UniDiversidade values local wisdom and practices for the development of youth, fostering of livelihood opportunities, as well as the strengthening of community bonds. The school\u2019s objective is to bring together diversity, value the intelligence of the favela, and through this improve people\u2019s quality of life and aim at community sustainability.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E life and aim at community sustainability.","title":"Case:Unidiversidade: A New Approach to Learning","link":"","lat":-23.48629,"lon":-46.46243,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Unitierra_Oaxaca:_Learning_and_Hope\" title=\"Webinar:Unitierra Oaxaca: Learning and Hope\"\u003EWebinar:Unitierra Oaxaca: Learning and Hope\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EUniversidad de la Tierra Oaxaca, was born \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Universidad de la Tierra Oaxaca, was born amongst the context of radical reactions against institutional schooling observed in many Indigenous communities. Unitierra is deeply immersed in social change processes and dedicates itself to the exploration and application of life alternatives to modernity and imposed development. Unitierra understands learning as an aspect of daily life that can be cultivated and studying as the joyful and autonomous exercise of the free people. We define our learning and research method as reflection in action. In this webinar session some members of Unitierra\u0026#039;s assembly present the history and present of this initiative.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EUniversidad de la Tierra Oaxaca, was born amongst the context of radical reactions against institutional schooling observed in many Indigenous communities. Unitierra is deeply immersed in social change processes and dedicates itself to the exploration and application of life alternatives to modernity and imposed development. Unitierra understands learning as an aspect of daily life that can be cultivated and studying as the joyful and autonomous exercise of the free people. We define our learning and research method as reflection in action. In this webinar session some members of Unitierra's assembly present the history and present of this initiative.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ehe history and present of this initiative.","title":"Webinar:Unitierra Oaxaca: Learning and Hope","link":"","lat":17.07323,"lon":-96.70918,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Webinar:Water_as_a_Living_Entity:_A_Conversation_with_Juana_Vera_Delgado\" title=\"Webinar:Water as a Living Entity: A Conversation with Juana Vera Delgado\"\u003EWebinar:Water as a Living Entity: A Conversation with Juana Vera Delgado\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EIn this episode of our More than Human web\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"In this episode of our More than Human webinar series, Juana Vera Delgado tells us about the rediscovery of her water-based identity made during her PhD journey. As a descendant of the Wari culture, she could understand why water was and is seen as a feminine creator divinity of Life on the earth. This belief to see water as a living entity persists in many communities, especially in the Andes and the Amazon, and forms the basis of the political, social and religious resistance to colonial imposition.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EIn this episode of our More than Human webinar series, Juana Vera Delgado tells us about the rediscovery of her water-based identity made during her PhD journey. As a descendant of the Wari culture, she could understand why water was and is seen as a feminine creator divinity of Life on the earth. This belief to see water as a living entity persists in many communities, especially in the Andes and the Amazon, and forms the basis of the political, social and religious resistance to colonial imposition.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eligious resistance to colonial imposition.","title":"Webinar:Water as a Living Entity: A Conversation with Juana Vera Delgado","link":"","lat":-14.05045,"lon":-73.08775,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Wellbeing_Economy_Alliance\" title=\"Endorser:Wellbeing Economy Alliance\"\u003EEndorser:Wellbeing Economy Alliance\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EA network focusing on a transformation of the priorities of \"the economy\" that centers on human and ecological wellbeing.","title":"Endorser:Wellbeing Economy Alliance","link":"","lat":51.55584,"lon":-0.11614,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:WoMin\" title=\"Endorser:WoMin\"\u003EEndorser:WoMin\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWoMin is a Pan-African ecofeminist alliance which works with women activists, communities, organisations and movements to create an ecologically-just, women-centred alternative to the dominant destructive model of development.","title":"Endorser:WoMin","link":"","lat":-26.19325,"lon":28.03613,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Women4Biodiversity\" title=\"Endorser:Women4Biodiversity\"\u003EEndorser:Women4Biodiversity\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EWomen4Biodiversity network advocates for a right to a healthy environment for all. The CBD Women's Caucus is a platform to facilitate women's human rights and gender equality in the policy framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).","title":"Endorser:Women4Biodiversity","link":"","lat":13.75633,"lon":100.50177,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Endorser:Yes_to_Life_No_to_Mining\" title=\"Endorser:Yes to Life No to Mining\"\u003EEndorser:Yes to Life No to Mining\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003Chr /\u003EGlobal solidarity network of anti-extractivism and right-to-say-no-to-mining organizations and communities","title":"Endorser:Yes to Life No to Mining","link":"","lat":-1.28327,"lon":36.89349,"icon":""}]}
Hidden category: