Webinar Strategies Beyond Borders: Tales of Time Banks

From AltMap Beta

An interactive session on “time banking”- a form of social-economic- political organizing that recognises that everyone has contributions to make and needs to fulfill. University Students and Faculty from New York and India who have already participated in setting up a time bank in their classroom will discuss their experience. The session includes an opportunity for participants to share offers and needs in small groups, using a condensed version of the Post Growth Institute's Offers and Needs Market (OANM) process.

We welcome all who are interested in exploring alternative projects that draw on the strength of the community to affirm the worth and value of each individual. Projects that are in contrast to the capitalist model of competition, extraction and exploitation, projects that allow us to experience another way of living and being.

Webinar date 2023/01/27
Topics Economy, Education, YouthEconomy, Education, Youth
Participants Melanie Bush, Pallavi Verma-Patil, Dani Leornardo