Endorser Civil Diplomacy Center - North and East Syria

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The Civil Diplomacy Center aims to promote solidarity and cooperation between the region of North and East Syria and the rest of the world, in all fields, on the basis of democratic values.

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Qamishlo, Syria, , , Syrian Arab Republic SY

Creation date 2021
Topics / Areas Agroecology, Decolonization, Democracy, Economy, Education, Gender, Health, Social change, Social justiceAgroecology, Decolonization, Democracy, Economy, Education, Gender, Health, Social change, Social justice
Languages Arabicar
Funding models Donationsdonations
Type of organization Network
Representative's name Issa

In parallel with the fight against Daesh and other jihadist factions, the communities (Kurds, Arabs, Christians, Yazidis) of North and East Syria (NES) have formed an autonomous region based on an alternative political project having pillars such as direct democracy, the emancipation of women, ecology, and the inclusion of all ethnic and religious components of society.

The Center for Civil Diplomacy of North and East Syria (CDC-NES) has set itself the task of strengthening and expanding relations at an international level between NES and societies abroad. Our center offers itself as an intermediary to facilitate and assist the implementation of cooperation and solidarity projects with NES.

The CDC-NES began its activity in January 2021. It is a non-profit organization based in Qamishlo, in North East Syria. The areas of cooperation and solidarity that the CDC-NES intends to promote are : political solidarity; humanitarian aid; education; Women's rights; restorative justice; economy, ecology, culture; health; municipalities; religious dialogue and minority rights.