Endorser International Tribunal on Rights of Nature

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The Tribunal aims to create a forum for people from all around the world to speak on behalf of nature, to protest the destruction of the Earth, destruction that is often sanctioned by governments and corporations, and to make recommendations about Earth’s protection and restoration. The Tribunal also has a strong focus on enabling Indigenous Peoples to share their unique concerns and solutions about land, water, and culture with the global community.

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, Quito, , Ecuador EC

Creation date 2020
Topics / Areas Environmental justice, Rights, Social justiceEnvironmental justice, Rights, Social justice
Languages English, Spanish; Castilianen, es
Funding models
Type of organization ⧼rv-endorser:reply-⧽
Representative's name Francesco Martone

0° 11' 41.71" S, 78° 24' 20.77" W en, es"en, es" is not in the list (aa, ab, ae, af, ak, am, an, ar, as, av, ...) of allowed values for the "Endorser:info-languages" property.

https://rightsofnaturetribunal.org/ Francesco Martone francescomartone1@gmail.com