Endorser Deep Transformations Network

From AltMap Beta

We are a community sharing deep concern about our civilization’s direction, with an intention to engage constructively to change its trajectory. Our purpose is to help amplify the forces for Deep Transformation that could set humanity on a path of future flourishing on a regenerated Earth. With reverence for the dignity of all sentient beings, we pursue sustained mutually beneficial symbiosis within human society, and between humans and the living Earth.

, , , United States US
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This is an online community for people who recognize that our civilization is in existential crisis—and who want to engage with others in facilitating a deep transformation toward a life-affirming future on a regenerated Earth.

It invites open-hearted, caring, and curious folk, engaged citizens, and changemakers from around the world to come together in helping catalyze the deep transformation our global society needs. It welcomes people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultural traditions who share a desire to collaborate in co-creating a flourishing future for all humanity and for the nonhuman relatives with whom we share the Earth.

The community’s origins arose from those attracted to the writings of Jeremy Lent, author of The Patterning Instinct and The Web of Meaning. However, it aspires to become a self-organized, nurturing network for everyone engaged in the collective process of planetary regeneration.