Endorser Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur

From AltMap Beta

This initiative was born from a group of people and organizations from different Latin American countries. We are motivated by the urgency of building social dynamics capable of responding to and counteracting the dynamics of capitalist rearrangement, concentration of wealth and destruction of ecosystems that we see emerging in the midst of the crisis of civilization, and of configuring, together with those who wish to join us, a collective horizon of transformation for Our America that guarantees a dignified future.

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South America, , , Colombia CO

Creation date 2020
Topics / Areas Biodiversity, Climate change, Social change, Social justiceBiodiversity, Climate change, Social change, Social justice
Languages Spanish; Castilian, Portuguesees, pt
Funding models Grantsgrants
Type of organization ⧼rv-endorser:reply-⧽
Representative's name Liliana Buitrago

16° 9' 4.93" S, 59° 14' 17.81" W es, pt"es, pt" is not in the list (aa, ab, ae, af, ak, am, an, ar, as, av, ...) of allowed values for the "Endorser:info-languages" property.

grants https://pactoecosocialdelsur.com/ Liliana Buitrago lilib17@gmail.com