Endorser REEVO

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REEVO is a research collective focussing on learning and educational alternatives - particularly in Iberoamerica. It tries to make visible alternative ways of learning where critical, collaborative, open and non-commercial perspectives are fostered.

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, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina AR

Creation date 2012
Topics / Areas Education, Social change, TechnologyEducation, Social change, Technology
Languages English, Spanish; Castilianen, es
Funding models Donationsdonations
Type of organization Network
Representative's name Franco Augusto

30° 51' 25.13" S, 64° 31' 34.50" W en, es"en, es" is not in the list (aa, ab, ae, af, ak, am, an, ar, as, av, ...) of allowed values for the "Endorser:info-languages" property.

network donations https://reevo.org Franco Augusto franco@reevo.org

REEVO is a collective international project started in 2012 that promotes the construction of networks in Latin America and the world about dissident learning methods, critical pedagogies and alternative educational practices.

We make visible experiences, schools, projects and actors in the field of education from collective processes. REEVO works as a common space for the collaborative construction of knowledge around the general theme of Alternatives in learning and education.

We currently build this web platform as a commmons. All the information available in it is built collectively under the logic of the "wiki culture" and is based on the following REEVO principles:

Our design principles

CRITIC: we seek to build a well-documented and referenced body of knowledge, while contributing to building a critical vision of "alternative education",

PARTICIPATORY: Any person can contribute and improve the contents that this communal acquis.

NON-COMMERCIAL: all content is offered at no direct or indirect cost. There is no advertising or paid content. We visibilize and critically address all forms of commodification of knowledge.

OPEN: the contents are published under a free license of the Copyleft type, allowing its free circulation and readptation by all.

FREE SOFTWARE and OPEN SOURCE: all the technologies and software tools we use are based on free technologies, in order to combat the monopolization of information and strengthen the autonomy of the communities that nurture and use this communal approach.


Our political ideology

Since the origin of REEVO we have documented, promoted and made visible the enormous diversity of alternative, innovative and socially transformative educational experiences. We position ourselves critically in the face of the phenomenon of Alternative Education, seeking to promote and strengthen those spaces that we understand tending towards social justice, the confrontation with the dominant powers and the questioning of the Western, patriarchal, anthropocentric and capitalist hegemonic model.

We practice a collective, reflexive, self-critical, non-commercial and critical doing of all forms of property (intellectual or material). REEVO is a collective tool at the service of action research with grassroots organizations, practitioners of direct and collective action, social movements, countercultural initiatives and other expressions of resistance that subsist without reproducing the dominant structures of the Market and the State.

We believe that other way of learning are possible and necessary for other possible worlds.

In detail

REEVO its an international nonprofit organization emerged in 2012, dedicated to the dissemination and research of Alternative education, which focuses its work in Latin America, but with a strong presence worldwide. Seeks to promote research and discussion on alternative forms of learning, pedagogies and educational practices. At the same time that make known and promotes the meeting, the exchange and the networks between experiences, schools, projects and actors in the field of education. It’s considered the largest network of Latin America [1].

REEVO sustains its practice in a series of values [2]:

  • Alternative Education: understand alternative education as a meta-concept, in which they converge experiences, models, theoretical lines of all kinds that seek to break with imposed schemes by the hegemonic or conventional education. This definition includes the alternative pedagogies such Popular Education, Democratic education, Waldorf, Montessori, [Free school, Free skool, and others expressions of the called Progressive education; as well as practices like Homeschooling|homeschooling, Unschooling|Unschooling, the deschooling movement, the Critical Pedagogy, among others.
  • Collective creation of knowledge: since the beginning, the organization has promoted participatory models to produce information about the subject of alternative pedagogies. From this model, the largest alternative education experiences mapping is carried out, with more than 1500 institutions and projects documented [3].
  • Weaving regional and thematic networks: the actions of REEVO are based on the political model of the distributed network, of peers and P2P, so it doesn't pretend to be a great global network that concentrates the power [4]. From this, it has collaborated and promote the creation of national and regional networks in countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, among others.
  • Gratuity and no commodification: unlike other organizations and processes linked to the thematic of Alternative Education, REEVO promotes the free access and a logic of non commercial construction, also positioning itself critically in front of the privatization and elitism phenomenon associated with the thematic.
  • Free technologies and licenses: both the infrastructure and the content developed form the organization are based on Free Software technologies and free licensing.

History and initial development

REEVO has born in 2012, as a continue of the documentary film The Forbidden Education [5] [6], that was a powerful viral phenomenon that made visible the theme of alternative education [7], as never before. At the origin, it was looking to make known, gather and put in contact different experiences that “escaped the schemes of traditional and hegemonic education”. The approach was in generate a platform that proposes, in addition to the meeting and the exchange between different experiences, to function as a knowledge base of free access to any interested person, and whose contents would be produced collaboratively by the same users[8].

The initial founder ship to start the project was made through the platform of crowdfund Goteo [9] [10]. The first version of the platform was created through the use of free software and collaborative work tools, promote the distribution of power and self-management by users [11].

Actions and present

From there, the aforementioned world map of alternative education experiences was carried out [12] [13] [14] [15]. The map is built and nurtured through the collaborative work by users, and seeks to reflect the different initiative in the world. The search filters on the map are by type of experience, alternative approach, by pedagogical methods, and by type of management [16] [17]. It currently has more than 1500 entries, mainly in Latin America and Spain.

In the first years was built a blog about the subject, a media observatory and various local groups of territorial action has emerged in more than 20 cities around the world, initially know as “Nodes of REEVO”. They later became autonomous groups and independent organizations as part of the distributed network model promoted by the organization.

Also the organization has organized, promoted, and participated in different international events. Some of the most outstanding participations have been: AERO Conference 2017 in United States [18]; The Alternative Festival of Creativity and Education [19], "Oui Share Fest Barcelona 2017" [20] [21], "Nodo Barcelona" [22], the “Tour REEVO 2017” in Spain [23]; the Cycle of activities "Reevo em Portugal" [24]; the “World Conference on Home Education 2016” en Brazil [25], the “World Conference on Home Education 2018” in Russia [26]; the “International Forum of Alternative Education in Medellin” in Colombia [27]; “America Evolution 2017” in Argentina [28], among other hundreds of talks, workshops and participations of smaller scale [29] [30].

In an outstanding way, in 2015, the "International Week of Alternative Education (SEA) 2015" was carried out [31], together with the Secretary of Education of Bogota [32] and colombian institutions, in what is considered the biggest and convener event in history on the subject [33] [34].

Currently the organization is centered in the production of free knowledge and the participatory research about the thematic, in a model of organization and production based on the Wikipedia model [35].


  1. https://www.eleco.com.ar/interes-general/la-educacion-alternativa-como-una-forma-distinta-de-adquisicion-de-conocimiento
  2. http://cooltivarte.com/portal/doingdoing-reevo-una-red-libre-de-educacion-alternativa-parte-11
  3. http://mapa.reevo.org
  4. https://red.reevo.org/blog/view/34843/reevo-en-el-2019-balance-y-perspectivas-hacia-una-nueva-etapa
  5. https://journals.openedition.org/polis/8630
  6. http://repository.udistrital.edu.co/handle/11349/3504
  7. https://www.datecuenta.org/german-campos-el-director-de-la-educacion-prohibida-la-falta-de-confianza-en-nuestros-hijos-es-la-falta-de-confianza-en-nosotros-mismos-como-sociedad
  8. http://repository.pedagogica.edu.co/bitstream/handle/20.500.12209/2480/TE-18539.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  9. https://www.goteo.org/project/reevo
  10. https://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto/2013/04/02/reevo-una-plataforma-de-educacion-libre
  11. https://www.publico.es/actualidad/nace-reevo-red-social-educacion.html
  12. https://socialgoodbrasil.org.br/2014/reevo-um-mapa-da-educacao-alternativa
  13. http://www.geo.ufv.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Mayra-Temponi-de-Souza.pdf
  14. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/59/59142/tde-28072017-092523/en.php
  15. http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/8014/2/Diogo%20Silveira%20Heredia%20y%20Antunes.pdf
  16. https://cidadania20.com/projectos/reevo
  17. http://www.dspace.uce.edu.ec/bitstream/25000/4914/1/T-UCE-0002-57.pdf
  18. http://www.educationrevolution.org/store/german-doin-to-keynote-at-the-2017-aero-conference
  19. https://faceugena.wordpress.com/2017/07/26/charla-en-circuloreevo-tejiendo-alternativas-en-educacion-en-latinoamerica-y-el-mundo
  20. https://ouisharefestbarcelona2017.sched.com/event/CpYn/educacion-en-redes-de-colaboracion-como-aprender-otras-formas-de-aprender?iframe=no&w=100%&sidebar=yes&bg=no
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk4jVOgJWjo
  22. http://educacio22.com/evento/8571
  23. https://red.reevo.org/blog/view/30084/reevo-de-gira-por-espana
  24. http://www.educacaoviva.pt/reevo-em-portugal.html
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHW0Ir38H_4
  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ18e9C-Qbk
  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGYdVD--AME
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUJvVvEx2ps
  29. http://asociacionsat.com.ar/taller-de-la-queja-a-la-creatividad
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpzO8Yfd6j4
  31. http://www.seabogota.org/?l=es
  32. https://www.educacionbogota.edu.co/es/component/k2/item/194-semana-internacional-de-las-educaciones-alternativas-sea
  33. http://laud.udistrital.edu.co/noticias/educaci%C3%B3n-alternativa-una-mirada-diferente-hacia-el-aprendizaje
  34. https://mba.americaeconomia.com/articulos/entrevistas/german-doin-debemos-dejar-de-ensenar-desde-el-miedo
  35. https://red.reevo.org/blog/view/34843/reevo-en-el-2019-balance-y-perspectivas-hacia-una-nueva-etapa